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Posts posted by BillClinton

  1. Also would it be different if it was someone more talented then Ched Evans? Its easier to tell Evans to get lost but I bet if it was someone of premiership quality he would be given more of a chance.


    He should really just leave the UK and play somewhere else.

  2. Tough one.


    I feel like he should be able to earn a living now that he's done his time (according to the law). However if he was going to sign for my club I'd be completely against it, which seems kinda hypocritical.


    What I don't understand is why he was only in jail for such a short amount of time.

  3. 2-1 win and who is this Roberts kid? Not heard of him before.


    Looked really good today and scored this in preseason:




    Don't know how he's be doing the rest of the time though

  4. Dunno what people are seeing in Campbell like. Don't see anything to suggest he can play higher than this at all


    Looks quite intelligent IMO, good first touch and passes it quickly, plays good one two's and generally makes the right decisions with the ball.


    Agree with this, I thought he looked good. We just need to get him somewhere where her can play everyday. I don't care if its league two.

  5. It's his first half season in the PL after being in France, f*** sake lay off the kid. All this talk of "justifying the fee" - its all relative. Let the boy have time, no shock he's looked much better in recent weeks in matches where we've actually won something. He's no Hatem, he's no Sylvain, both of whom I rated much higher as well - but what I do like about him is his work rate for a creative player and he'll work great with Siem De Jong, Aarons at full pelt and a better pressing system.


    This. Plus the fact that our team was fucking horrible for the first two months he was here. It's no wonder he looked shit, everyone did.

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