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Posts posted by NUFC_Sam

  1. I still cannot believe our only alternative to Pardew was going to be Kinnear :(


    When a lot of us were desperate for Pardew to go and didn't think we could possibly appoint worse, im not sure anybody suspected Kinnear was still Ashley's most wanted guy.


    Sideshow Bob Shudder :(


    Lol I can't decides what is worse.... sacking Pardew and bringing in Kinnear or bringing in Kinnear to manage Pardew.


    If we did sack Pardew then bringing in Kinnear at that point would be gutting considering the number of options out there.


    On the other hand, bringing in Kinnear now means we have both Kinnear and Pardew at the same time albeit Pardew apparently has more control of the tactics/player selection and I suppose Pardew is better than Kinnear.


    Either way it is shit.

  2. Pardew has effectively been demoted in my opinion.


    Kinnear is effectively the manager now, with Pardew putting the cones out and running the training sessions i.e. the donkey work so that Kinnear doesn't keel over.


    This is honestly what I feel is going on. They've essentially gone about hiring Kinnear as manager in a more subtle manner. Ashley rates the guy, he's Ashley's man. Pardew was Llambias' guy.


    I think you're pretty much spot on. Couldn't afford to sack Pardew so just hire who they wanted as the DoF... fucking shocking.

  3. Still can't get my head around it. It's not like a managerial appointment that has to be made. I bet MA thought that he couldn't fuck us with another shit managerial appointment as we already have Pards so he just added JFK in to a new role just to see us suffer. Wouldn't be surprised if we see Dennis Wise replace Graham Carr as chief scout soon.

  4. I've found the mental strength to watch that entire Sky interview. There isn't a single sentence in there without an outright lie (verifiable facts) or a gross exaggeration (more subjective statements). In that sence it both terrifies me and gives me hope: maybe he IS lying or exaggerating about what has been discussed and/or agreed?


    “It is all water under the bridge. When I took over we were third from bottom and we were lying 12th when I had my heart attack. You could get a million to one on that we’d go down. The people around the club tried to implicate me in the fact we were relegated. In fact, it was a load of crap. If I’d been there, it would never have happened.”


    Looked it up and I believe we were 15th when he left (he had his heart attack before the West Brom game so theoretically he left us 15th although we went 13th after that game so he still lied either way).

    According to someone on twitter, the form in our last 8 games with him in charge was as follows: LLDDLLLD. So he of course had an influence on our relegation.

    You couldn't get odds of a million to one.


    And finally:


    I've never been a manager of a club that's been relegated


    He got relegated as manager of Luton in 2001.


    This guy is just a serial liar. Surely a DoF needs to be cool headed with extensive knowledge of football in other European and worldwide leagues. A DoF needs to have a wide contact base and I would of thought a likable personality. JFK hasn't had any experience in football for the past 9 years besides the stint he had as manager for us. Crazy.




  5. Lol I genuinely don't think this could have gone any worse. Like my worst nightmare.


    I mean, if it were "Joe Kinnear replaces Alan Pardew" then it would be a fucking outrage.. but we now have BOTH of them. What even is life?


    Devastated isn't even the word.


  6. It can't be a ploy to make Pardew walk, because you'd then be left with the same problem with Kinnear.


    That being said, I think Pardew will walk. There's already a lot of confusion about who gets the final say on what - he'll be mightily peeved right now.


    3 years is cheaper to pay off than 7  :snod:

  7. Does depend how much we get for him though. He is no where near as influential as a player like Ben Arfa. Cabaye is fantastic if used correctly. Under Pardew he isn't going to be used well so might as well cash in on him for as much as possible I guess.

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