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  1. hithere


    We’re shit, need a centre forward. Won’t go down but I get the feeling the hierarchy are happy to languish about in Mid Championship and sell on a few players for funds and anything else is a bonus.
  2. Is what it is... I’ll weigh in our new ownership situation if prompted but again will leave til now, he’s been in the job a week. Maddison is a knob though, glad we stayed clear.
  3. Marcus Ah right, the mackem. Not seen for 2 years but back now for some reason. Can’t think why. My wife is away for two weeks, I’m isolated and trying to have some conversation. ‘Bored’ in lamens terms... If you’d like I’ll commit to not commenting in the Sunderland thread for a whole year. Quick edit: I’ve got engaged, married and promoted last 2 years. Also Tapatalk got crap for some reason. My time has been somewhat limited. Feel free to ban me but I liked this forum, hopefully I’ll be accepted again somewhat. I see your point though...
  4. The amount of our lot who wanted to sign this whopper... (Maddison)
  5. Would you Bench Boost with 3 Leeds players and Pope on the bench and 11 Doubles for GW26?
  6. hithere


    Signed up 7 years ago day after we played out a 1-1 draw. Craig Gardner played right back for us. I'm not a paedo nor do I love nonces. I don't think I'm a cunt but suppose that's subjective. To be honest the reason for me posting more regularly is two fold. 1. Good to get perspective from the outside of our pending takeover. 2. On late shift at work and it's pretty slow going
  7. hithere


    Was the other fella who's name escapes me. Think he did get a ban.
  8. hithere


    Had a look and I posted in April, July and last week. Pretty sporadic. Wouldn’t expect you to hope for anything else. I’d probably think the same.
  9. hithere


    What would you have had me say? I knew we were gash and didn’t get promoted. I’m not a sadist
  10. hithere


    Even more fun watching their fans crawl out of the woodwork and start posting here again. Hi there. Hi I’ve been posting sporadically and this is quite big news to be fair. If my posts do become anything other than measured please call me out on it...
  11. hithere


    Are you a Sunderland fan?
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