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Posts posted by Ste

  1. I think Trippier at LB opens up some interesting opportunities in our build up play on the left to be honest. He’s naturally inclined to come inside from that position and it will definitely open up some inviting passing opportunities for Willock and Gordon to enjoy. 

  2. I love his post match interview, can see in his eyes how happy he is. I bet he had moments when he was at Everton where he wondered if he’d ever enjoy football at this level. 

    Numerous gears to work through yet. Well done to him. 

  3. Felt sure they would rule the goal out, but it’s tight decisions in big games. Sometimes they go for you, sometimes they don’t. I think Arteta is very naive to lose his cool so much, as a manager you have to be more level headed, I guess he is clinging on to it being another massive VAR error as he and his team had no answer to our tactics at all. 

    Raya should deal with the cross, he doesn’t. Gabriel knows Joelinton is there, he should deal with it but chooses to buy a foul. If I was an Arsenal fan I’d be livid those two seemingly didn’t play to the whistle and expected it to be called back. 

    Nervy ending to the game at the time, but with hindsight they never looked like laying a glove on us. Comfortable defensive display from us, tactically spot on. 

  4. 33 minutes ago, 500bhp said:

    The more I think about this the more I'm pissed off with Tolali and maybe Milan depending on what they knew. As soon as we agreed the fee with Milan in June then Tonali should have spoken out about his addiction and allowed the transfer to be cancelled. Instead he allowed us to give his home town club £55m knowing this could become public at any time and it will be Nufc not Milan who will suffer the consequences of his ban once it comes out.


    For all we know, he perhaps thought that by leaving the country, the problem would disappear. People under immense pressure think in bizarre ways sometimes.

  5. I hope he gets full control over this and uses the time to better himself in every way. He's all but finished if he cannot get a hold of this addiction, hopefully that and seeing the club and fans stand by him, as well as his own personal aspirations, are enough to put this fully to bed and come back with a clean slate.

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