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jollof rice and pea

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Everything posted by jollof rice and pea

  1. Wilshere getting shown up a bit this season
  2. Whats with Montenegro letting in five against Moldava
  3. Hope Morrison and Barkley make the plane.
  4. Did he just say hes never seen anywhere as passionate as the SOL
  5. Had been five minutes of good stuff before that goal.
  6. FA commission member Danny Mills says its just luck missing
  7. True. Won't ever respect the man for purposefully ending a man's career, but he's one of the best pundits because he simply tells it how it is. Something most pundits are afraid to do. He called out Hart is being too arrogant and complacent over a year ago while Chiles was labelling him the best keeper in the world.
  8. He's average, clearly fancies himself as a Robben
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