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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. We've got Matty Matry Matty Matty Targett on the wing,on the wing ?
  2. Purpey's clown shoes get yellower by the week
  3. Isak working his nuts off but getting nee support
  4. I'm still stoked about his progress, he is going to be an asset to this club
  5. Holloway

    Dan Burn

    Gets a bit of flak these days but he can still put this kind of favourable shift in quite often
  6. How good is this bloke man, his touch is fucking immaculate. Not worried about his age catching up either,he's mega fit
  7. I'm going to ignore how bad they were for the rest of the evening, we have fucking lift off ?
  8. Miggy looks on the verge of tears, emotional lot aren't we
  9. Gordon is devastating in this free role 2nd half
  10. Battling like fuck at 8 nowt up, what an outfit man
  11. I think he's over his fitness issues
  12. That desire there from Elliot,fucking brilliant
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