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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. There's a lot of fannies needing a wipe today
  2. Looks like Rafas on the brink
  3. I doubt Rafa caree much about how much players cost, just that he can strengthen the squad within the budget he's been given (and was reportedly happy with). It does seem though that he's having to fight others in positions of power over player valuations and ability. we don't know though do we? Rafa was proved wrong over Townsend, the board said no and got it right, plenty of time in truth and the price tag doesn't always mean success , no panic as yet from me , either way i'm looking forward being back in the big time
  4. They are in a bit of a state, preparation has been terrible so far BUT I really can't see them being relegated. As much as we take the mick they are a big club in The Championship and when they finally get moving they will be able to sign/loan decent enough players that will ensure they are not flirting with relegation. i agree, i dont see them going down at all, but i don't see them going up either, they need to start again but fuck me they are in trouble. no money no manager no players no owners (sort of) no paying fans no us what a miserable time to be a Mackem, think back this time last year when the cunts were lording it over us
  5. MA isn't working with him though is he? it's that fucking tool Charnley, the non football man tasked with getting them over the line, good god.
  6. i'd have the average Stone in my team like
  7. we are new, we need quite a few players, we need to get a shove on, the ones above are established with PL squads already
  8. welcome to the big league, fees are huge and FMA is pissing himself Rafa senses this and we are risking it all £30 million gets you decent at best, £10 million gets rank average it seems, we keep hunting for the bargain buys all the time
  9. Thfs 1st of July thing is interesting, what benefit does the club get from that?
  10. imagine if i had done this
  11. Please let this happen.please
  12. shintonsghost

    Graham Carr

    feels like we are clearing out the shite one by one
  13. Deluded fuckers The gift keeps on giving at the minute
  14. The comments off the cunts man after all they called the league last season its now like playing Real Madrid every week. Lets just fucking laugh at them
  15. Yeah I had him too first and anytime 3/1 on PP special! Unreal odds for him! thought you would, always on the winners
  16. if he's going to be that good as you so wisely say, why not buy him then? flash in the pan , we dodged a bullet
  17. oh really? have a wander round Mayhill, Winch Wen............drug capital of Wales, its a fucking tip, The Mumbles is nice but no better than Whitley Bay. i lived there, i know
  18. imagine supporting a club that made no player profits for 6 years
  19. Still nn manager, still no signing
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