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Posts posted by jonny1403

  1. 2 minutes ago, RealGoneKid said:

    Cantwell = next Jon Dahl Tomasson


    Yes, I can see the parallels between the Danish striker with European pedigree, a great goalscoring record but no PL experience and the English midfielder who has spent his entire life at Norwich [emoji38]

  2. 48 minutes ago, arnonel said:

    Can someone enlighten me. (Please dont lump me in the impatient camp - just curious)


    Why do the negotiations only start in January? eg: With Botman. Why could fee not have been negotiated during December so we can pounce in Jan? (or know we have to move to other targets and move on)


    Are there some steps I am missing? 





    People keep saying this and the answer is always the same - hardly any business gets 'set up' during December because clubs just don't want to negotiate in December - why would you when you don't know if you'll get injuries, what your league position will be etc. 

  3. 1 hour ago, relámpago blanco said:

    Yeah I know but I'm just saying and he wants a 90k a week pay rise. 


    He's 28 and out of contract next summer. I imagine most players would ask for the same.

  4. 11 minutes ago, kisearch said:

    Nah mate, I heard all that. Just before he said all of that he said it had been narrowed down to 2 clubs then spoke about Villa and Liverpool. If those aren't the 2 clubs he was on about then it seems like an odd way to phrase it 


    Yeah fair enough. Does seem odd when their website contradicts that [emoji38]

  5. 2 minutes ago, kisearch said:

    The article? I'm literally watching their Transfer Show live where they just said that Villa and Liverpool were the 2.





    I think you misheard:


    "But, speaking to other people,e I’m being told a move to Liverpool is not really on and as far as Liverpool are concerned, there was no interest in Coutinho, although hey may have been offered the chance to sign him on loan."


    That's what they just said on the transfer show. And the article below backs that up. 



  6. 2 minutes ago, toontownman said:

    To be fair he was absolutely class for us and clearly would walk over broken glass to come here. Seems he is completely broken though and we were probably right not to go back in for him. 



    He was, and I was gutted he got injured. But people wanted to sign him after he hadn't played for 18 months with one of the most serious injuries you could get.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Belfast Boy said:

    What happened to Jetro, did he ever get a club?


    Signed for Greuther Furth and currently on track for the worst season in Bundesliga history [emoji38]. Was always a bit weird this board's obsession with re-signing him. 

  8. 1 minute ago, The Prophet said:

    We should be avoiding plsyers like Coutinho, Ramsey and PEA. Once quality players, now on the decline and looking for a payday.


    Completely agree. As mentioned above, if Ramsey was to come in as a loan at the end of the window with us already having signed another CM, fair enough. But as our only option I'd steer well clear.

  9. Just now, HTT II said:

    If he’s fit he’s infinitely more creative than him, that’s my point, we need creativity in the team. Again I wouldn’t want him here, just throwing it out there! Same with Ramsey and PEA ideally too!


    That's like saying Dwight Gayle is more creative than Isaac Hayden. Technically correct but they play different positions. One of them is finished as a player and has been for years and the other is a solid enough PL CM.

  10. 6 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I wouldn’t want him here, but if it means we can spend more on other areas and giving we are desperate for some creativity in midfield, even if he’s here on a pay as you play deal and just sits on the bench, he’s a better option than fucking Hayden or Hendrick, low bar I know…


    He's not a better option than Hayden ffs [emoji38] He was released by a Championship team six months ago!

  11. 1 minute ago, STM said:

    The way Joelinton has been playing, it has become less of a pressing issue and with Wilsons injury its been knocked down the list further.


    I'm 100% convinced we will sign a CM but it will be later in the window and it will be a loan deal or a player that becomes available.


    Loan deals are our ace card. We can afford to blow our transfer budget on 3/4 main targets and then move onto loans, where we have the advantage of being able to afford big loan fees and big wages.


    I see it:


    Trippier 12m

    Botman 27/28m

    Digne 20m

    Striker 30/35m


    Loan: Aubameyang, Van De Beek, Rodon etc, once we know where we are.


    If Aubameyang becomes available on loan I can see them waiting for a striker on a permanent in the summer. They need to be flexible.


    You're from the Mike Ashley school of negotiating if you think Lille will accept 28m for Botman having rejected 30m [emoji38]

  12. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    Joelintion has been an unexpected bonus, but we simply can't have Shelvey and Willock in a midfield two, allowing players to freely move between the lines or unable to keep the ball for more than a couple of passes. 


    Your defence can be as good as you want on paper, but if its left constantly exposed by the midfield, its going to struggle.


    Oh I agree the midfield is not fit for purpose. I just think CB is slightly more shambolic [emoji38]

  13. Just now, The Prophet said:


    You can't have been watching us much this season.


    A new centre half should be high up the list, but they'll look about as effective as Schar if they're getting turned and pulled out of position all the time, due to a totally ineffective midfield.


    I have been watching us this season, and I've seen Joelinton shore up our CM quite a bit in the last few games. I've also seen Clark and Lascelles concede needless goal after needless goal with basic mistakes that have nothing to do with the midfield.

  14. 4 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    Centre midfield should be our number one priority.


    Fingers crossed its just standard Edwards bollocks.





    CB is 100% more urgent than CM like.

  15. 33 minutes ago, TRon said:


    I doubt they really wanted to, would imagine he had his heart on going to Spain at the time. Levy probably thought I'll get as much as I can for a 28 yr old and buy someone under 25. Sound familiar?



    No they did want to sell him. He was actually quite poor in his last season at Spurs, which it now transpires was because he was playing through an injury. And as you say, Levy probably saw value in selling a 28 year old.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Dr Jinx said:

    Got annoyed listening to that, sounds like the perfect man to carry a defeatist attitude like the one Steve Bruce had onto the pitch.


    I'm paraphrasing here but "oh yeah, the rumours we're going to sign 5 or 6 players.. but what if they don't want to come here, and what about the players who are already here with kids in school, are you just going to pay them to be in the reserves?"


    Yes Isaak, that's exactly what will happen. This isn't a public servants job, it's not secure. The club is not going to decide to remain uncompetitive to keep a few players happy. You're either good enough to keep up or be left out of it.


    His point was that you can't just expect the existing players to instantly up and leave when they have their lives already established here and have 3/4 year contracts. They can stay there for that four year period if they want to. It's a perfectly reasonable point and one that lots of us would agree with if we were in the same position.



    24 minutes ago, Chris_R said:

    I mean I'm not one of the overly impatient ones and I'm relaxed about the process, but I'll about I'm constantly baffled why we seen to only when think of picking up the phone on January 1st.


    That's just the time you can register players. You can agree fees and personal terms any time you like and then just press the "go" button when the window opens. Why do we never seem to do that?!


    It sounds like you are tbh. It has been literally four days - how many other clubs have made signings? 1 or 2 at most? It gives our fans a reputation when we start to piss and moan this early in the process. Let's face it, none of us have any idea how the transfer process works - it's all well and good saying we should have lined it up by Jan 1st but there are so many different factors involved that probably make it impossible to do so. 

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