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Posts posted by RS

  1. Mate is a freeman and he’s heard nowt


    I've not heard nowt, and I can graze my cows on the moor.


    On a side note I wish they'd get rid of archaic shit like this.


    Why? It protects Newcastle green lands etc from the scrupulous. Don’t mistake Freeman with Freemasons. Everything we do is charitable and for the good of Newcastle.


    Hereditary status is an affront.  Keep the freemen if you want but award the title to people who actually deserve it, not people who have it because someone else did something.

    Whilst I’m with you in sentiment in regards the The likes of the duke of Northumberland being a greedy twat and robbing his “people” blind in the interest of amassing even more money he was born into. This is in effect a patch of grass in the town and the freemen are entrusted with its protection.

  2. Lovely couple of posts from Yorkie and Sean and all. But he's done okay, hasn't he? Yes or no? Simple question.


    The luck we have carried has been phenomenal. Based on where we are he’s done ok. I can’t see a repeat of the lucky wins and associated points next season. He’ll take us down if he’s still here.

  3. ASM similar to Watmore apparentyl!!!


    There’s no doubt there’s a decent player in there somewhere but £40m????

    Most times I see him he’s all fart and no shite. Rapid yes but that touch? Not dissimilar to a pre-injury Watmore.


    Wow, just Wow!! Always suspected the mackems lacked any real footballing knowledge just going off there past "icons" but that's confirmation right there. Duncan Watmore man  :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Watmore previously played for Altrincham, Clitheroe, Curzon Ashton and Hibernian.  Kwality


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