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Posts posted by RS

  1. Are the Premier League even allowed to examine documents handed to them by third parties during this process? Isnt it between the PL and the owners and no one else? I didn't realise it was an open forum for people who are not involved to make their case against the deal. If claims against the buyers havent been proven in court surely the PL cannot use them in any way?


    I'm not sure how these checks work, but they may not have to conform to the same requirements per other legal matters - in the same way civil and criminal cases have differing burdens of proof.


    Obviously they'll have some formal process which would hopefully be subject to a legal challenge (fairly sure someone has in the past?)


  2. I like that grumpy fellow who’s made them believe he’s a paralegal or something, all believing his takeover crap and how ours won’t happen. Knocking bet he’s a janitor at wynns solicitors.

  3. This sub seems to have its regulars and anyone who pipes up with anything just gets slagged off and brushed off as a divvy.


    That is possibly why the thread is constantly being browsed but no participation outside of the (cool) club is made that much.


    Loads of ass hats in here. Shame really. Because this could be a good thread if it wasnt for a select few.


    Who uses the term "ass hats"?


    Anyway, what point have you been trying to make which people are slagging you off for?


    Not sure he's saying he has been slagged off mind.  I kind of agree, there's been a few on here mention something they've heard, been slated and basically branded as Odin mkII :lol:


    I don't get it, if someone says something, take it with a pinch of salt, even if they're right, it means nowt until it's announced officially anyway.



    That's because almost every single one of these pieces of "info" are absolute bollocks and people are tired of it, tetchy, and bored of being fed lies from every single direction. You can't expect people not to get annoyed when another piece of ITK crap appears and turns out to be, yet again, a load of old horseshit.


    Spot on, sick of the speculation and the so called ITK , complete dreamers and bullshitters


    I agree, the ITK crap is tedious. ?

    I hate the twats that just make stuff up off the top of their heads.

  4. This sub seems to have its regulars and anyone who pipes up with anything just gets slagged off and brushed off as a divvy.


    That is possibly why the thread is constantly being browsed but no participation outside of the (cool) club is made that much.


    Loads of ass hats in here. Shame really. Because this could be a good thread if it wasnt for a select few.


    Someone’s jealous he’s not in the ‘clique’

    Virtual frotting isn’t all it’s made out to be anyway.

  5. No change.  Sale progressing as planned. Exact date tbc but expected within next 2 weeks.  Also expect a change of manager.

    Progressing as planned? :lol: It’s still with the PL and nobody knows when they approve the deal.

    Yep. As expected. It was estimated that PL would take this amount of time to clear as they are concentrating on a plan for the next 2 seasons.  It’s all still good news.

  6. Used to go into the West Stand for reserve matches, never a clock until scoreboard (Gallowgate) had electronic one but even that wasn't always working.

    For some reason I remember a clock in the west stand. Looking at the old photos it was just like a hump press box area on the roof of the stand? 


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