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Posts posted by RS

  1. His head is the same shape as a tennis ball tbf.  One of those massive ones that get signed when Wimbledon is on.


    And the other fella is  like that retired special forces dude out of "The 'Burbs" movie

  2. Exactly. Tbh, our own fans were far too accepting of what happened never mind the mackems reaction or lack of to their shitness. It's interesting they bring up the funeral stuff, which was one tiny protest, the sackpardew and ashleyout protests were much better, and could have been more  effective if larger swathes of the fanbase were willing to participate.


    Selective memory that lot man. Calling people nonces despite openly worshipping one. The gravy joke despite having the country's fattest school kids and highest hospital admittance rates for obesity. It's like the scruffy little town has been brainwashed. Watch this 3rd division season and two in a row be removed from their history

  3. Don't think I've ever saw a bottom 6 as poor as the current bunch. Last seasons bottom six amassed 272 points. This seasons six have currently only 224. 48 points less!


  4. There'll be plenty of "mag" sympathisers over there soon enough. "Mag in peace" types. They properly give me the creeps them cunts. Definite sex offenders register botherers.

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