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Posts posted by RS

  1. Some of their geriatric wannabe hoolies post regular threads glorying in their escapades which are bound to attract the attention of other club's nutters and then when said nutters inevitably respond they act all surprised and full of moral indignation? ?


    This exactly Renowned for their fans bad behaviour yet so quick to condemn others

    They’ve chucked flares, fans invaded pitches and laid hands on players. Pelted coins at their own boxes etc. And still they can’t see their own fickleness.

    There’s a quote on the smb about Portsmouth fans celebrating their goal aggressively! :mike:

  2. Another cup final coming up for them this afternoon. Probably amassing in their 10’s at Greys Monument prior as a sign of still being being a massive club marra.

  3. "So it’s always been a club that I’ve been somewhat fond of from an early age — for some reason I’ve always had an antipathy towards Newcastle. I mean that wasn’t a determining factor in this, but it does mean I’ve always had a slight soft spot for Sunderland because I’ve always found Newcastle to be a rather arrogant club."




    From their new PR fella Methven.....and of course they're lapping it up.




    Makes that quote and then realises that to get any kind of culture or nightlife he has to do it in the city he's just slagged off.  Should be interesting.

  4. It would be interesting to compare a cleaning staff v crowd ratio against other clubs. I'm sure we'd be third division!  All part of the efficiency drive.



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