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Posts posted by RS

  1. For me it would be more about value for money, entertainment etc. You know now that any player/manager/coaching staff who works/plays for us is here for the money or a stepping stone as it’s common knowledge that the only goal at NUFC is 4th bottom. No cup runs, no flair players.  No ambition. If supporters are happy to pay to support that then there really is sadly no hope of any change in the current club philosophy.


    People must be genuinely brainwashed/easily pleased/thicker compared to those of the Ardilles era when 20k attendances were common. We were poor but arguably more ambitious than the current regime.

  2. I was never comfortable with Rafa's strategy of trying to use his popularity with the supporters to squeeze concessions out of Ashley. If you don't trust the people you're working with, then go. He's been here three years so he must know who he's working with.


    The takeover has complicated things because we really need a caretaker, but there's no-one at the club to fulfil that role. So presumably we're looking at someone who is prepared to come in for what may only be a matter of weeks.


    Concessions?  Like buying players to stay in the premiership you mean? 


  3. Alcoholism is where the person values alcohol more than their health. Alcoholics can’t see further than their next drink. It’s an awful disease and watching someone slowly kill themselves is awful to watch.


    Some people just can’t see how strong addiction is and the fact that stopping really isn’t an option. Even when an alcoholic stops drinking they’re not “cured”. It’s a daily fight


    Unfortunately some people will never understand that alcoholism is a disease and not an option.

  4. no real news today then..


    No just our potential new owner is in business with a convicted murderer :laugh:


    Murderer? It's not like he's a nonce.    :yikes:


    Probably is with the amount of wrong stuff he has done :lol:


    Even the father of the Indonesian business man they’re in business with killed millions of people.


    The press are going to have a field day if these lot actually become owners.

    Never did the British governmen any harm (fake WMD’s etc). If you want to make an omelette......

  5. I’d be amazed if this doesn’t happen now. All the crap flying round says to me that only those that need to know actually know what’s going on. What is refreshing though is the (potential) new owners openness to make statements for the fans benefit.

  6. Has a thread on this forum ever reached a 100 pages this quickly? :lol: (almost 100)


    As this rate we're going to need a new thread by the end of June.  :lol:


    Smb thread about takeover beat us to 100!  I’m more confident today than yesterday with the latest sound bites coming from Dubai.

  7. They’re trying so hard to prove they’re not insignificant. Outside the North East their infection of trafalgar will not be noted (unless that filthy mooning hippo has disgusted the wider society)

  8. Portsmouth were absolutely atrocious in the first leg. If they play the same  tonight Trafalgar Square will become a little part of chicken town again.

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