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Mbemba Youre A Womble

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Posts posted by Mbemba Youre A Womble

  1. Baffling how they’re in such a mess with that squad.


    Is it? I thought to myself that I kind of understand where they are now when I saw their line-up. Was of the impression that their squad was better. That is nothing special, some decent players but none of them seem to be the kind that controls matches. Kind of like a team of 11 Winjaldums.


    I wouldn’t swap their squad for ours. Boufal and Gabbiadini on the bench seems like a bit of a Pards thing to do although I don’t watch enough of them to say. Even Romeu would walk into our side.


    For what it’s worth I think we’ll win today.


    Given the chance there isn't a player of ours I wouldn't swap for theirs! Baring Lascelles for Hoedt/Yoshida/Stephens


    On paper every player I'd fancy to be better than what we currently have under Rafa.

  2. Changing stadium can play it's part in helping you push on as a club, but no way the sole contributor for success. Can never have the cart before the horse.


    The two aren't mutually exclusive either. I dare say had Forest, Wednesday or Leeds United been run as well as Southampton had been in their time out of the PL, they would have been able to bounce back from hitting League 1 to the Premier League regardless of the age or comparative state of decay of their grounds.


    In those three examples of clubs, they've grounds sizeable enough anyway. Their realistically never going to spend hundreds of millions on a stadium slightly bigger/smaller when surely they'd make developments/upgrades available to their grounds first - even if they do make the PL.

  3. Want to watch both games tonight without knowing the score for the one I'm watching, but know BT will giving updates  :rant:

    Why do you want to watch Liverpool-Porto :lol:


    I like watching football  :aww:


    Jordan Henderson aside, I  genuinely enjoy watching Liverpool play.


    Gone for Real PSG

  4. Aye, they need to check themselves on their reality. You can only complain about something of expectancy can't you? I'm saying they shouldn't be expecting to challenge for the league in the very first place.


    We've had the unrealistic tag of expecting too much from our team for years. We're no longer p*ssed off about not being in Europe anymore, because no f***er thinks it's possible. There comes a stage where a fan base has to realign their expectations of where the club is at.


  5. If I was a fan of Arsenal, Man U, Man C or Chelsea, I would be expecting to challenge for the Premier League every year.


    My point (probably badly made) is that Arsenal haven't been challenging for the league for years. If recent seasons are to go by, they are simply challenging to finish 4th. So on what basis can Arsenal fans coming into this season or next, realistically expect their team to compete for the league?


    Other than financial standing, what do Arsenal have to be able to compete with the clubs you've mentioned, let alone gain edge over...





  6. Not too clued up about their stadium move at all tbh, but surely the biggest pay-off from moving from Upton Park has been the return from knocking the place down? Also the fact that they won't have to fork out any stadium development at all forever, of which surely would have been needed should they have stayed. So from a business point of view, moving to a bigger brand new stadium on the free is going to be a no-brainer. In justify the move to the fans, of couse Gold, Sullivan, Brady are going try their best to package up the move with whatever propaganda they want the fans to believe.


    Read on their forum that somebody said match day revenues, over the course of a season are only expected to be up by £9M - they equated it to two thirds of a Jose Fonte. Pretty unsubstantial when you consider the tale-spin it's put the club in when you look at it now. 


    Part of me though, does feel that blaming the stadium on the sides plight has become an easy stance to fall back on. Nothing changes the fact that under Bilic, and now under Moyes they've been pretty ordinary at actually playing football. Easy to say I guess, but if all parties involved in the principle of winning games, started performing to their abilities, or dare say above them and started scoring a few more goals and winning games these problems wouldn't be quite so prominent with fans.


    Their FA cup game against Shrewsbury, every player was utterly dreadful, and every time I've watched them since Moyes has been their they've played awful football. That's nothing to do with playing in an Atheltics stadium. 

  7. What happens to West Ham, and their swanky new ground should they get relegated?


    Went over to a West Ham forum yesterday to try and find an answer, and was left amazed at how much a basket case that club really is. Nobody seems to rate or even like any of the players, most of them despise Moyes, let alone the owners. All of football is in agreement their ground is shit. 

  8. ...Arsenal fans shouldn't be expecting to win the league or even compete for it in all honesty.


    That's nonsense though - the second part at least. Sure, the money spent by Man City (in particular), Man U and Chelsea has been obscene, but Arsenal are usually third in revenue generated/EBITDA etc etc every year. More importantly, they have been miles ahead of us in almost every facet of money generation for years and years. They really should be competing for the league every year, just like Man U, Man C, Chelsea, and to a lesser extent, Liverpool.


    All those teams have used a combination of managerial changes and filthy lucre to get themselves out of any recent ruts. Arsenal have ignored the first option, and have erratically and unconvincingly adopted the second. It would be more excusable if us and Liverpool had failed to overtake them, but I think we can all agree that that is precisely what has happened.

    :thup: and that's a Spurs fan saying that. This whole 'they shouldn't expect.. ' is a symptom of their downfall and not the other way around.


    This and this.


    There is a difference between 'should be competing' from a financial sense, and 'fans expecting to compete' when it comes to league titles, or even Champions League qualification now.


    Without looking at financial figures - unless they are so far behind first, second place then yes, they should be competing for titles. That doesn't factor in the sporting aspect of being able to win games, and by extension compete for the title though. League titles aren't given out to those who have the best accountants, or marketing departments. The players that you are paying are entrusted of that duty, but it's as clear as day that the quality, and recent history of Arsenal's players don't put them in a position to compete for titles.


    At the start of the season, Arsenal fans couldn't, nor shouldn't realistically expect their squad to compete for the title. They can hope, not denying any fan of that. Recent history in the league would show they should have no expectation for the title, they haven't been in such a position come the end of the season for years now.


    Being a 'big club' is meaningless, and puts you at no starting advantage to win a game of football, let alone a title. Club history, finances, size of stadium all miss the point of the here-and-now situation that they aren't in a position to compete for the PL. Whilst you should always expect, and hope for betterment of your club - fans need to start accepting the reality of the situation. We have, we used to challenge for the title, then it was challenge for top four, then European competition, now we are all hoping that stabilising ourselves as a PL club would constitute success. 


    Finances aside, as they only paint a half picture - on a purely footballing/sporting aspect - what basis would you have Arsenal down as realistic title contenders?

  9. Only watched first half, then just the last 5mins.


    Stood out how s*** Man United we're from what I saw first half. Thought Pogba was p*ss poor again, Andros Townsend playing his annual decent game, Ashley Young is a debilitating disease to every attack - horrible flashbacks to Santon/Jonas on our left side were everything would cut inside.


    Where, were and we're. Learn how to use them please.  :lol:


    Aye, if it makes you happyer  O0



    That interview, happiest I've seen Mourinho in months!

  10. Only watched first half, then just the last 5mins.


    Stood out how s*** Man United we're from what I saw first half. Thought Pogba was p*ss poor again, Andros Townsend playing his annual decent game, Ashley Young is a debilitating disease to every attack - horrible flashbacks to Santon/Jonas on our left side were everything would cut inside.

  11. Think it can be a breath of fresh air at times. Most of the time pundits are sugar coating the reality of situations, and not really telling it like any fan watching can see for themselves.


    Carragher and Neville we're pretty hard on Everton and Chelsea, but it did stand out from the weekend that Williams/Keane we're a shambles (and have been for months), and Chelsea we're too an embarrassment in their application in the game.


    Not sure how that could be classed as trolling, should that be what's being referred too of course.

  12. May as well keep who ever they have as replacement in mind until end of the season. Pard's is bound to have a relegation clause in his contract, so will be cheaper to get rid after their mathematically down.


    Recon that'll be the instruction to the new chairman that's been put in charge. Would be incredibly poor business to sack him now when they're already seemingly recognised their going down.


    It was incredibly poor to hire him in the first place, I don't think they'll care tbh.


    From our point of view yeah, we all know how shit he is. As baffling as it is sometimes the same guys getting jobs after failure and failure, it's how football works, so wasn't unexpected for him to get job.


    The guys who backed Pulis, then sacked him, and have hired a new manager that hasn't worked out have both been fired. So pretty sure their not going to be wanting to burn more money than they need to paying the clown off

  13. May as well keep who ever they have as replacement in mind until end of the season. Pard's is bound to have a relegation clause in his contract, so will be cheaper to get rid after their mathematically down.


    Recon that'll be the instruction to the new chairman that's been put in charge. Would be incredibly poor business to sack him now when they're already seemingly recognised their going down.

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