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Mbemba Youre A Womble

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Posts posted by Mbemba Youre A Womble

  1. Nobody would have grumbled over a point against Man U if they'd have conceded late on. 3 points is fantastic, but that shouldn't be taken into any consideration into future events, nor should it be banded out to justify future failings. Playing Man United is a totally different challenge to teams like Bouremouth - a challenge we've so far this season been failing at.


    It's more important to take points off those around you, denying them those points and creating gaps. Dropping 2 points from a very winnable position against Bouremouth is unacceptable. We've dropped countless points in these sorts of games where we've not competed at all, not taken easy chances, or collapsed. 



  2. A bonus, from what looms as a potential bumming, is that it's not through a shaky defensive performance from Lascelles.


    Ashley will be hoping for a solid display on yet another big stage - ££££££££.


    Is this in someway meant to be a bad thing? It sounds like you're trying to make it out to be...


    Yeah, fuck that fat bastard, how dare he want us to win football matches  :huff: :knuppel2:

  3. Think so, just they are far less candid about doing so and less of an old boys club mentality. Here it's just tedious. You get all the former players of certain clubs talking on matters and getting asked questions on those clubs that are at the forefront of the shows, but rarely anyone will say anything other than bland platitudes as they're afraid of pissing someone off or goes against party line.


    Has taken years for any of the former Arsenal guys to come out of their shell on Wenger.


    English football media seem more interested in generating interest in controversy though. They'd rather gush and speculate over the taxi gate stuff, rather than come out an can Pardew's approach tactically in games. Doubt half the dinosaurs journos have much of an idea of what's going on anyway.

  4. In all fairness, it can't give Ashley much confidence to actually make an investment into the club seeing how current funds are being frittered away.


    Ashley's not the one there making the deals, but he's going to see how far that money is getting him. Not very far at all at the moment. A lot of energy, money and time has been spent over the last couple of windows by shifting out players that serve no value to the playing squad, despite only being here a matter of months.


    Whatever money was wasted through the Slimani deal, we're never going to see a return. It's an instant right off on a couple/few million on a player that was injured to start with, and could have only played a max of 10 games.


    Whoever is in charge of transfer deals needs the sacking. In January we've instantly wrote off millions in short term thinking by signing loan players that have no commitment of value to us come the end of the season.


    I’m slightly confused by this. It would surely be valuable to do this if it comes off and we stay up?


    Budget wise, it's an instant right off. You're never going to be able to sell Slimani for a higher value, or sell him on and cut a loss.


    Granted, that could be good business if he gets goals that directly secure our survival; but I'm not sure that value vs. return really weighs up. Slimani coming in injured, max 10 games, going to need run of games to return to fitness/form, then we're banking on an ability that has failed to do anything of note for Leicester.


    By the stage we got to, at the 11th hour, can accept and welcome the signing; but it shouldn't be ignored it's still quite poor business. The guys in charge of getting players in failed massively across two windows (dragging Kenedy out over August and first couple of weeks of January), and from what we're lead to believe blew through a long list of players that Rafa gave them to end up with the only choice being Slimani.

  5. In all fairness, it can't give Ashley much confidence to actually make an investment into the club seeing how current funds are being frittered away.


    Ashley's not the one there making the deals, but he's going to see how far that money is getting him. Not very far at all at the moment. A lot of energy, money and time has been spent over the last couple of windows by shifting out players that serve no value to the playing squad, despite only being here a matter of months.


    Whatever money was wasted through the Slimani deal, we're never going to see a return. It's an instant right off on a couple/few million on a player that was injured to start with, and could have only played a max of 10 games.


    Whoever is in charge of transfer deals needs the sacking. In January we've instantly wrote off millions in short term thinking by signing loan players that have no commitment of value to us come the end of the season.

  6. Ray Hudson ruins every game I try to watch he's co-commentating on. Just can't watch if he's involved. Not my cup of tea one bit.


    Don Hutchinson seems knowledgeable whenever I hear him commentate on European games on BT, wouldn't mind seeing him a bit more on TV instead of the countless c***s that have been named through here that constantly plague our viewing/listening experience.

  7. Can't see him being forced out of the club quite like Carroll was. There was an agenda there with Llmbias at the time. He wanted rid of all the strong voices around the dressing room, and wanted to gut the club of all those that didn't sign that bonus sheet as soon as possible.


    Not saying that the club wouldn't take favourably to selling anyone for a pretty penny - but it's more likely this time round they'd allow Lascelles to stay on improved terms rather than hoy him out as first chance.


    He's bound to be on the radar of all kinds of clubs across Europe - that's the way football is nowadays - but until there is a bit more concrete reporting in the press about interest, not worrying one bit. Whatever that link that was posted up about Chelsea is nothing more than clickbait nonsense, that's manufacturing rumours. Could have quite easily replaced Chelsea with Arsenal, Spurs, hell even Dortmund.

  8. I was surprised by the initial adulation over this signing in the first place - thought it was way over the top. Thought it was an extremely poor piece of business on the face of it which concluded an extremely poor transfer window.


    Any individual with any responsibility as far as controlling budgets and getting deals done should have some serious questions to answer. Totally unprofessional and unacceptable how they allowed it to go to the 11th hour to get a forward in, and then panic on someone they couldn't bring in earlier in the window. To compound that, the player was injured, not to mention their questionable quality as far as delivering and scoring goals in the PL. 






  9. Might just be me, but has anyone else noticed a drop in quality of some of the football podcasts out there?


    Enjoying Ramble's On The Continent, but the actual Football Ramble seems to have gone down hill massively of late. Likewise with their preview show. 


    Totally Football Show was great when it first came out, but now it's lost it's shine on me. New guests each and every week, excessive waffle (not the good sort with Jimbo that made Football Weekly fun either), plugging on live shows, and the god damn Paddy Power bit at the end I just skip.


    Football Weekly, lost it's shine naturally after James Richardson going. Don't mind the Rushden too much, but would rather they focus on talking football more, than waffling on about crap, and picking up on going weekly gags. Funny to a point, but just seems to much now. 


    Don't listen to Time's TheGame too often, but did on Monday and they had Alistair Campbell on plugging a book ffs!

  10. Surprised for the love of Julien Laurens. Knowledgeable enough about France, but consistently stating the obvious when it comes to the PL, and is way over the top when it comes to PSG fan-boying.  Grinds my gears every time I listen to him.


    Sid Lowe - lots of love for Dr Sid in Madrid!


    Technically not a journalist or a pundit, but Bob Mills is a grade A cunt. Jim White too - captain ego - so fucking annoying. Joey Barton called it right on him.


    hate barney ronay for a writing style that gets on my tits like nobody else, the king of the torturous metaphor that is approximately 1% as funny/clever as he thinks it is.


    :angel: :angel:


    Thought I was the only one. Can't stand his writing style. Enjoy heading straight to the comments section to inevitably read people picking wholes in his rambling nonsense.

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