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Everything posted by ToonArmy1892

  1. As if anyone gets upset about a "salty tears" comment ffs . It's just a bit of a laugh.
  2. Depends which time zone you are in like. I think 6pm would gave been better but i'm not really bothered.
  3. Soft but not a clear and obvious error once it was given, there's contact.
  4. Manorpark must be on some good shit tbf.
  5. I mean i know that, that wasn't my point. But i think i'll leave it there lol, i don't think i'm explaining myself very well and Yorkie is getting angry at iz.
  6. I'm not arguing, being very thick possibly, but i don't get why if he's deffo selling and price for club already agreed he is giving new contracts to players on a decent wedge when he could save money by promoting youth players on peanuts to the 25 man squad instead.
  7. Really? How do you know that? Are you saying it's the clubs money anyway? I'm not trying to be awkward, i'm just honestly confused.
  8. Why would Ashley care about what any player is worth if he's about to sell? I'm confused.
  9. If he has fully checked out he would put some kid on a grand a week in the squad and just let Gayle leave wouldn't he? I might be talking shite here, don't know exactly what the rules are.
  10. Could he not just put players from the youth team in instead of giving Gayle and co new contracts? I'm probably missing a basic point here.
  11. I don't think anyone thinks you are a cunt, it was a bit of a silly comment though if serious, having a bit of banter about salty tears and stuff doesn't mean we hate people from other countries. You may have been joking anyway, it's hard to tell sometimes in just text.
  12. That was ages ago man and i already apologised.
  13. Fuck cricket, worst sport ever. Maybe apart from equestrian or whatever it's called.
  14. I bet players dived since the game was fucking invented, not as often granted, bet there were still a few in the 1800's
  15. Nah i'm English, obviously there is a historic rivalry between England and Scotland, i just used it as a joke. I dunno, do i need to calm down? I don't think i'm being a dick, a bit annoying maybe? It is honestly just banter. I'm one of the least patriotic blokes you would meet in real life. Just enjoying the football team being in a final.
  16. Me? I can sort of see what you mean, but it's all light hearted is it not? Apart from the fuck off i said, which i apologised for.
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