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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. 20 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I honestly think they are waiting to release it along with a new signing…

    This, only add an "s" on the end of "signing"




    edited;  and change the "new" to "few"

  2. 7 minutes ago, nufcnick said:

    Exactly, if we suddenly stopped eating animals and switched to a vegan/vegetarian diet, there would be millions, if not over a billion deaths due to there being not enough food to go around, the switch would lead to even more deforestation due to the need for more space for agriculture, veggie heads don’t really consider that though and are probably happier for a human to die through malnutrition than to let someone eat an animal. 




    I was of the understanding that if we suddenly stopped eating animals, that's SUDDENLY, then there would indeed be millions of deaths but those deaths would be animals no longer needed for food. They'd be destroyed. There actually would be more food to go around for humans. The majority of land and produce grown there upon goes towards animal production. 


    We try and have at least 2 veggie meals a week. Need to do better obvs.


    I follow, fwiw, the likes of Dominic Dyer and John Oberg on twatter and some of the content that rabbit hole goes to is horrific.

  3. Hilarious that in the "Players best picks" NUFCtv video, amongst the "takeover", "New manager coming in", "Arsenal home game" & "Bruno's last minute winner against L'ster" crack was this fella's "signing me new contract, marra"

  4. 56 minutes ago, Anderson said:

    Telling all the old guard (Fede, Hayden, Ritchie) saying Howe coming in was one of their moments of the season, despite barely getting a look in since.

    This. Shows his man management skills are on point AND how bad Bruce was/is.

  5. 1 minute ago, manorpark said:


    Not optimism, definitely not optimism, just the evidence of history (plus common sense).


    Integration of countries with other countries and with the 'public' (not only the 'football public') of those countries is how we share good practice and knowledge and thus can mutually grow and develop.


    Major sport is one sure way to speed up these processes. 


    The one way to ensure that this does NOT happen is to cut countries off and demonise them.


    So, definitely not 'optimism', - just realism.


    (Where have I heard that before . . . )

    Worked for black South Africans, tho. Same response should be the one taken against Israel. 


    Back to the thread. Looking forward to what this fella brings to the table, or wheel as he describes. Mad how unproffesional an outfit we were before and no surprise it's taken some effort 

  6. 5 minutes ago, South-Cheshire-Toon said:


    I know this will seem a stupid question, but here goes - With the cost of living rising, and all of the other financial issues people may be facing, would you pay 'top whack' for an original new shirt or don't mind and pay less for a fake / rip off ?


    Regardless of the cost I'd have to shift a few clem  before I squeezed into a Castore top. 

    Made for Arjen Robben them

  7. Need to keep in mind the supposed 3 year long "investigation" into Man City's funding. Unrealistic payments for sponsorship. Burner funding via unverified 3rd parties. Unrecorded payments to players and agents. 

    Of course, so far, nothings come of it 

  8. 29 minutes ago, tomlynnherrington said:

    I know it goes with being the greatest living Englishman but it must be difficult popping in for a pint or two with people like us watching his every move and scrutinising everything he says ?

    Bad enough for random black lads these days never mind superstars

  9. 1 minute ago, STM said:

    Players like Gayle, you pretty much have to give away for nowt, if you want a championship club to give him a decent wage.


    Again, he'd be a no brainer for the likes of Sunderland.

    Is his Mam still alive? She'll need her weatherproof poncho for the car park on match days 

  10. 15 minutes ago, Holloway said:

    Fuck me, so a valid ticket doesn't guarantee you entry into the stadium and you might even cop a face full of gas should you have the temerity to protest. Stay at home and watch it in the pub 

    As usual there's loads of "wallpusher" scouse tropes but from what I've seen and read they were remarkably restrained.

    Robertson's come out and said even his brother had bother with the ticket he gave him.

    Kettling is a bastard trick as well, causes mayhem.

    It's not "always them" either. Huge problems at the other finals as well. Christ we're playing Italy behind closed doors ffs.

    Not that long ago England fans, in Amsterdam were all laughing and cheering as they launched people's bikes into the canal. I remember us away to Marseille getting the train from Nice and our lot mass pilfering alcohol from a little French/Asian shop. Cunts are everywhere.


  11. 23 minutes ago, RodneyCisse said:

    It’s odd that all Madrids fans were in happily waiting for the game to start.


    Somethings gone wrong on the ticketing front or with the staffing.

    Saw a journo's tweet suggesting the access route for Madrid fans was far easier. 

    Maybees the Liverpool fans had to go around the ground via some allotments and a back lane like Vicarage Rd ?? (*) 





    * plus there was way more scousers and they seemed to get corralled into a funnel leading to "just two" turnstiles.......apparently 

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