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Everything posted by Groundhog63

  1. Sure Scott Sloan joined the Fire Service. In Sweden iirc or Northumberland 😂😂
  2. Retired Yep, unfortunately, you are correct. Higher incidence of cancers etc due to inhalation of carcinogenics. Obviously, back in the day, you had "Fireman" tucking their beards in and storming off into billowing smoke and flames whereas now they've got top of the range BA sets. Lots of plastics about now and vehicle fires are giving off pure death ☠️😳 Even with best practice, tho, there's always going to be exposure. Before I retired we were being told to wash our fire kit more often, for eg, after every job even. It's not just cancers tho. There's a high tenancy to have heart conditions too. I couldn't do them justice in one post but there's numerous studies about how fit a FF should be and how the stresses and strain on the heart can lead to illness. Basically, the energy/stresses demanded within the short time frame of receiving an alarm, travelling to then dealing with the initial incident are similar to a top athlete. Training for that, consistently, over 30/40 years is impossible.
  3. Had a bit X crack earlier referencing Steve Carney and Alan Shoulder. Obvs the Blyth' FA Cup run that got them signed to us and I remembered a Blyth link with another ex-player, Peter Cartwright. Turns out he played for Shields before the Toon then Blyth after. Also ended up a Maths teacher up the road from me at Astley High
  4. Subliminal message? New number 6 needed 🤔
  5. This with bells on Wankest thread on here, ever.
  6. Not having a pop at you lads but maybees having this extended league format, under the guise of "widening" the cohort, is designed to illicit this response. Eventually it'll be "but we need all the top teams in this competition (wether they qualified or not) i'ts what the fans want"
  7. Groundhog63

    Lewis Hall

    This. I said it earlier. Just got MotM for the Under21s, playing at left back, 2 assists. Whilst the level and opponents matter the fact is he's developing. Howe's the best manager for him to have at this stage in his career. All being well we've got, potentially, England's full back pairing for this generation. I think they're that good.
  8. It'll be a crane you need for some of them
  9. Is he after a pay rise? Apologies if he is and that's not just more media shit stirring. I think, given how the lad comes across, he'd be more than happy sticking around. He could also just fancy a step down for more involvement. Who knows. Dogs abuse might help that decision making process
  10. As a "back up" player for a "top" team, surely, he'd deserve a pay rise? Leaving Miley out of the equation, for now, Longstaff is one of our 5 midfielders for a 3. I can't think many other "back up" players for "top" teams are on £25k. I've a healthy respect for the lad but also know Tonali is that step up. However, I think Howe looking after a player who's played a big role in finishing 4th then played a whole season injured for the team isn't a bad thing. Especially when the alternative player has fucked the club over for that entire latter period. Tonali is a great player and I've got know worries about Longstaff being a squad player.
  11. Groundhog63

    Lewis Hall

    Had a great game, midweek, for England. MotM Definitely a work in process but I'd stick with him.
  12. Trump might hate you but I think this is common sense
  13. I said the same. Longstaff lost the ball or, alternatively, their player anticipated his pass and intercepted it just outside their box. Was still loads to do. It was a great counter attack but Burn was hopeless, Bruno running in treacle and Schar/Tino left scratching their heads. Longstaff's fault tho, apparently. Same match thread has people, who described him as "made of glass" now wanting LittleJ in ahead of BigJ who's now "technically limited" It's a forum, all about opinions. One can debate about how those opinions are articulated but some of them are wank.
  14. Waiting for the Sky coverage and caught the back end of Spurs/Arsenal. When Gabriel scored? Have you heard the fucking plight of Dury's patter? Just got back from 4 days in Benners and, on top of all the ale, had a lamb phall last night. I nearly barfed it all up "rose majestically, muscle etc etc"
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