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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. This week we have footballing giants Liverpool v bayern, atletico v juventus, Sunderland v gillingham.


    What a time to be alive.

    Tbf this is Gillingham's FA Cup Final



    He has managed 12 games and won 10. This is PSG we're talking about here. It's not going to be held against Solskjaer when he lost 2 of his best players early on and when we went 1-0 down to a player who shouldn't have been on the field.


    The game was very balanced at half time. Losing Martial and Lingard was huge and then the Kimpembe decision was a disgrace.


    Ridiculous set of fixtures at the minute and now with these injuries. :anguish:

    Young score an own goal like?
  3. Seems like a decent lad but you'd think he's trying to flee Syria.


    His effort can't really be faulted and, as with the rest of them, he's just s****.

    He's currently rowing a dinghy across the Tyne. Going to claim asylum in Gateshead in the hope they'll send him south. Javid has requested HMS Calliope intercept saying "he's black so we'll deport him to Jamaica even tho he's never been there."

  4. Thoroughly enjoyed that. Watched all of it last night with the wife. Can only think they hoped/expected a happy ending. Their "Goal", as it were.

    I sometimes wonder where Sky get some of our supporters from to interview but, fuck me, these lot are mental. Given it was made by their own it's even more remarkable. They, surely, can't be the best of the best. That pissed up old bloke with his top off every away match, f'n & blinding in front of his kid, for example.

    First 5 mins I thought I was watching Kes.

    Agree with most of stlouismag's lists, esp number 6 'Worserer'. Sports Psychologist, my arse. No eye contact, scribbles notes, Johnny just needs love  :crazy2:

    Think Bain loves himself too much as well. Arsehole imho

    McGeady basically saying Coleman was wank and put bluff/bluster ahead of, actually, improving players. Footage then switching to Coleman basically saying the players were that shot he had to gee them up rather than say how shit they were by improving them.

    The start of ep7 when they were at the undertakers, man. The stiff dressed in his Sunderland top. At first the undertaker was in the way and I says "tell me there's not a real body in that shirt?"

    The wife replied "they should put him in goal"

    Felt sorry for the staff mind. Decent people in danger of losing their livelihoods.



  5. Why is he missing January? Military service?


    Asia cup.


    Good news is that Brighton and Huddersfield are going to suffer more through the loss of Ryan and Mooy. At least we can replace Ki.

    They playing with 10 men like?  :naughty: :naughty:
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