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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. Hilarious as The Don getting fleeced for Grigg, Bent karma, Charlton, Portsmouth, Burton, shitting in the seats, fitting the seats, not filling the seats are/were the ultimate event that sums up Sunderland is heaping praise on the club for providing one of the lads with a slice of cheese for his burger after he forgot to bring his usual Aldi slice.



    Can't imagine why they're fewmin

  2. 3 hours ago, gdm said:


    Got asked to go to that event but, at £120 a ticket, I baulked. Love the bit where he says "we" also near the end re-iterates what I said about Sunday. They (new owners) had a brief cameo appearance by "NUFC future". What we could/will be. Of course they had to see, 1st hand, how shit we really were and how shit Bruce was. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, KaKa said:


    The way people go on about improving our use of the ball as if it's some mystical art form :lol:


    Then again under Bruce it did feel like something that could never be achievable and so I can't even blame them :lol:

    I'm harsh as fuck sometimes. Watched a clip of some young wonderboy Breakfast BBC had in the studio this morning and thought "he's not THAT good". Then realised he was only 4. Absolutely held the ball better than Joelinton, mind.

  4. 10 minutes ago, jack j said:

    His twitter post about Bruce has pissed me off more than it should have really

    I had the same vibe when I read Shearer's. I've got mutuals with Bruce and they both say what a great bloke he is. Know him from school etc and have kept in touch. Both, tho, recognize what a shit manager he is and "hasn't helped himself with the victim blaming"

    Maxi's just a nice kid who's been soft soaped. 

  5. On the subject off "Oh Fortuna" I was delighted when the club started playing that.

    First time I heard it at the ground I had a warm, smug like, feeling in my brain. Very similar to the way I felt when a track came up on tv while the wife was watching Handmaids Tale.

    "That's On the Nature of Daylight by Max Richter that" I declared

    "you're so fu*king weird you" she replied


    Had Carmina Burana on cd for years before the toon used it.


    Worth noting, given the outrage at our authoritarian new owners, that Karl Orff plied his trade under Nazi Germany and was blacklisted post WWII. Just the thing to add to the offended masses of MSM ;-0

  6. Invited to spend the duration of the game in an executive box.

    £36k per season, allegedly. 

    Having sat all over the ground I already knew mobile phone reception can be patchy in places but was very surprised to find the club "wifi" equally shite. Only a couple, of the 8, managed to connect and that was by standing by the internal waving their arms about ;-)


    £36 fookin K

  7. 27th Dec 2017. Home defeat v Man City.

    Went home and took the dog out, 9 year old border collie Bella. Kicked the ball for her and when she ran for it she twisted, let out an awful howl then couldn't move. I carried her indoors, then took her up to Morpeth 24hr vets. Turned out she'd damaged her spine. Back legs had gone so we had to let her go, 


    17th Oct 2021   v Spurs

    Pre-takeover invite into an exec box. Timing is everything. Free bar as well. We had season tickets for years but Ashley's joyless governance saw us off, Looking forward to a cheery full house.

    Will walk the dog, 3 year old border collie Flora when I get in.



  8. 25 minutes ago, christ said:

    I’d like to be optimistic about this, but I just see it as Ashley grabbing the opportunity to lay off staff and use the ownership question as a convenient excuse. 

    That might hold water if he (Ashley) ever cared about his public/business profile or how things "look". 

  9. If we don't get 4 points from next 2 games (very doubtful), then we've made a worse start than last season.


    Despite spending a decent amount of money. The good from Rafa has been totally washed away :lol:


    It really has. The defensive unit that he compiled, organised and drilled to death has been dismantled in the name of a stronger attack and exciting football. Which of course hasn't been delivered.


    He's like a back-to-front Dalglish.


    Like a back to front panto donkey more like?

  10. Like debating whether you preferred Fred or Rose West.

    My mate, a retired screw, had to keep an eye on her for a while. Says she'd often wait for the footsteps nearing her door then lie there facing th door, legs akimbo, flicking the bean for when the unlucky guard had to check through the hatch.

    anyhoo, Bruce is fucking rancid.

  11. As stated, to sit back you need to be organised and well drilled. No matter who you play. To play attacking football, in the premise you're keeping the ball from the opposition thus diluting their offensive threat, you need to actually keep the ball.

    We can do neither. Hence the number of shots we concede etc etc



    Whenever I hear players complaining about being dropped, I'm reminded of the great middle distance runner Steve Ovett. When he was 18, he just missed out on being chosen for the Commonwealth games, and he was so annoyed he even considered jacking in athletics altogether. Then he said to himself - no, next time I'm going to be so good, they can't leave me out.


    Always preferred Ovett to Coe. I think even back then I could see Coe being a corrupt, snivelling, arse licking tory c*nt. Proved right in the end.

    Ovett being Alf Tupper, obvs.



  13. The bairn was back training at SAFC Tuesday, not at the academy though. Apparently one of their coaches still on furlough said look I’ll get the under 7s up and running again and do it for free which they obviously agreed to, the Academy Director was there too, again on his own free time, these are great people and really at the top of their game in terms of standards, they know nothing about the situation, however, and have been left basically in the dark.


    But are still wanting to do whatever they can for SAFC’s academy (for free) and it’s these people who have been shat on the most and are the ones who lose out the most and it’s THEIR f***ing club, SAFC are f***ed without gates and these people and this new numpty ‘trying’ to buy them is a fake and worse even than the Don and co, the mackems really need to start standing up for their club like club staff on furlough are doing for f*** all other than because they want to for their own club.


    It’s f***ing awful what’s happening bias and rivalry aside and effects so many real and genuine people hence why I won’t revel in any of their misery. The standard of coaching just from their part time young lad is first-class, lose that and their academy and they may as well call it a day.


    s**** state of affairs Tommy.


    Surely that first paragraph is all very illegal and if true would land the club in loads of bother.

    First thing I thought. Is absolutely illegal and breaking furlough rules. Club needs grassed up.
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