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Posts posted by Groundhog63

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    Might as well pair Jose up with "Post-cancer" Jonas






    Iconic moment and a rare fill-up during the Ashley abyss. Definitely needs a homecoming visit on a matchday. Hopefully wearing a "Fuck Ashley" T-shirt

  2. 2 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    I don't know the full picture, but if there is any possibility of any other owner coming in the fans should be trying their hardest to make sure Ashley gets nowhere near their club like. It's pure delusion if they think they'll be anything other than miserable under him and once he's there he's only leaving on his own terms. I (and many others) literally stopped watching football because of him [emoji38]


  3. 2 hours ago, OpenC said:

    Also an important bit of data that he wasn't doing any of that stuff for relegation rivals Burnley any more; I reckon the deal was way more shithousery than is generally acknowledged but I'm not sure there's data on that




    The only data Wood haters need to take note of is where we were in the league in December and where we ended up. 


  4. 1 hour ago, Milanista said:

    Lol, no, it's not. I know he's been a failure, I've seen some of his misses. I'm just saying I understand the logic of why he was bought, his ability to win headers, knock-downs, that sort of stuff he was doing with Burnley. It was perhaps taking data to the extreme, but it seems Newcastle's sporting executives are being smarter than other EPL sides with money.

    He hasn't been a failure tho. Similar to a few other members of the squad labelled as shite, by the Gameboy boys, he was part of a team that turned its form on its head. 

    Best dressing room most of them appear to have been in. 

    It worked. The whole pie. 


  5. 4 minutes ago, Mahoneys Tache said:

    This fella was hairy as fuck, short black hair, nee shirt, pit boots and NHS gigs. 
    literally bent the frame of the bus stop with his bare hands. Me and my mates egged him on from the safety of the upstairs of the 642. 


  6. 14 minutes ago, neesy111 said:


    Ridiculous conclusion.






    Especially if you know your algebra whereby, if that works and is constant having a primary without variables using the hyposis that an equation is the equality of two expressions then if.... 


    Gerrard - Rafe = Longstaff.       then


    Longstaff + Rafa = Gerrard 


    Maybees that's why Man U wanted him for £50 big ones 

  7. 43 minutes ago, Mahoneys Tache said:

    Did he have black

    hair and glasses? Saw a fella matching your description pulling a bus shelter apart with his bare hands on Marlborough Crescent in the 80’s. 

    Tbf that sounds like Albert. Conan was bald. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, HTT II said:

    I could be wrong, but I’m sure he lost maybe his wife and kid or kids in a house fire, very little is known of him and he refused lots of help and was happy to wander the streets like you say. I kind of admire the guy for going off course and not being trapped into a system that’s, well, nowhere near perfect for anyone really. 

    Some canny Youtube vids featuring old geezers living off grid. Jock one's the best.

    I've mentioned before I'm a retired Fm and we used to get turned out all the time in the middle of the night because a local homeless bloke used to start fires to keep warm. Albert was his name. Mad as a box of frogs but hard as nails with it. Was kipping in a derelict building down the quayside for a while and fucking doo-gooders would ring in when they saw smoke billowing out the windows. He had some canny braziers on the go like :lol:

    Last time I saw him he'd been persuaded to go into a halfway house/shelter on Scrogg Rd. Didn't recognise him, sober, shaven and cleaned up. Him not me. He was a menace but ok with us.

    I remember another one. Huge, huge fella. Used to push a shopping trolley, shirtless, around town filling it up with empty cans he collected. Conan The Barbarian, we nicknamed him.


    Best of all was this other tramp. Big scruffy fat cunt who used to beg for food outside the pizza place opposite the station and keep kebabs he's chored in his pockets. Became manager at Newcastle United, they say ;_)


  9. 6 minutes ago, HawK said:

    The tape supposedly works when applied correctly by pulling the skin from each end of the tape towards the centre, creating a more 'open' area under the skin where the injury is, to increase bloodflow there.


    When I had bad shin splints (became stress fractures), I used a few bits of tape to help with recovery in between ultrasound therapy to break up scar tissue. Seemed to work better with then without tbh.


    On elite athletes with nearly no measurable body fat I don't see it pulling as much skin as it did for me though :lol:

    When I did my cruciates (both knees, separate times) I did loads of physio at the Freeman. They put tape on my knee AND hamstrings. 

    I'm fit as a fucking lop still ????

  10. Us offering to buy him then dropping out due to a pulled hammy is less cuntish than buying him, flying him over at night with a blind pilot, crashing to their deaths THEN refusing to cough up, yeah? 

  11. 21 minutes ago, BlueStar said:


    Erm... Isn't that the queen in his avatar, close friend of MBS who regularly appears with him, gets gifts of horses from him etc?  That not count as "Royalwashing"?

    It's Man Shitty's owners that are into the horses, no? 

    Sure Maktoum owns Godolfin etc etc. Just had a multi million squid beef with his ex iirc. 

  12. On 07/06/2022 at 13:17, Dr.Spaceman said:

    Fucking Bruno voting for himself [emoji38]

    Ah kna. Nearly as bad as Schar, when they were asked "what was YOUR season highlight?" replying "signing me new contract" :lol:

  13. On 07/06/2022 at 13:15, Dr.Spaceman said:


    That's done it for me like. Been to the gym, had the hound out, gonna sit and watch NUTV vids for the rest of the morning :smitten:


    ps Bruno there man, love the kid 

  14. As, rightly, pointed out by the majority of people this signing is a no brainer. 

    It's not like we're instantly going to have full backs charging past their wingers every 5 minutes. Both able to relax their defensive responsibilities because the CBs are worldies. We ain't Liverpool ?


  15. 10 minutes ago, macphisto said:

    All they need to do is to slightly tweak the  model to allow for limited relegation/promotion and it would easily go through with little government interference.


    With regards to the Americans, if they don't get their money back through the ESL then the only other way is if the Premier League sells its matches directly to consumers, similar to Netflix. Cuts out selling TV rights to Sky, Bein, etc.

    I get, after the backlash, the gvt said a few nice things about how bad an idea it was but prior to that they were all for it. Christ Koko even said that, as a free market capitalist, why would he not be all for it? UEFA's in on it as well as the Premier League. Absolutely no punishment metered out, in fact they've been rewarded with "free" ECL spots.


    As for these clubs clawing back their billions via PPV they will still see the only way of maximising that particular revenue would be via a closed wider league. I suspect, ESL or no ESL, these clubs want to control their own tv revenue anyways.

  16. 9 hours ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I can’t see that happening, the government shat themselves at the level of reaction against it when they tried and it’s clear that they will legislate to prevent English clubs from joining a ESL if they need to, and there is no viable ESL without the English clubs.

    If the ESL wasn't still in the horizon no Americans would've paid £4.5b for Chelsea. 

    The Gvt won't stop it. 

  17. Part and parcel of the cartel mentality overseeing the transition to the ESL. Main reason they're pulling up the drawbridge particularly against us. As McCormick, rightly, mentions even Leicester get the big heave-ho.


    Yanks paying £4.5B for Chelsea means one thing and one thing only. They think it's still a goer. Daft thing is any fans of these "Big 6" teams and their ESL scab partners who think it will all be fine and dandy up there in the (US driven) big league will be in for a shock. Absolutely no way will the Yanks put up with 2 team cities etc etc. 

    Be franchises moved as soon as they can. 1 Manchester Team, 1 London, Madrid. Be hilarious when Spurs and Arsenal are moved to Arizona and Bangkok

  18. 31 minutes ago, Consortium of one said:

    Perhaps for fun, I'll put a bid in for the 51%.  I wonder what Barry Moat is doing these day?

    Got more chance with Raoul

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