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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. I'd love to see the trust write an open letter directly to Bruce asking him for his resignation.


    A well written letter pointing out all his contradictions and bullshit, as well as the stats which back the point would surely be something worthwhile

  2. 1 hour ago, Fantail Breeze said:

    How are the PL to blame for the relegation though?


    Ashley doesn’t even need to invest, he could l just replace the manager and the relegation wouldn’t happen.


    If it was an investment issue, I’d understand it, but it isn’t.

    In reality not to blame but would be interesting to see how they'd go about trying to prove Ashley was willfully negligent and therefore responsible for relegation whilst simultaneously defending the legitimacy of their own OADT which is there to supposedly protect clubs.

  3. On 29/09/2021 at 19:52, Fantail Breeze said:


    Didn’t quite get your wish, but they did manage to post to tell fans not to record the session :lol: Almost as ridiculous as the health and safety assessment of the London process.


    Considering we heard first hand today about how much the PL wants to hide from Newcastle fans, it’s staggering they’re still sat on their hands.

    Seems like NUST have put something out there. 


    Fair play @Heron

  4. 8 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    I thought it was convincing, but they don't need to win that part it's just something that would torpedo the PL's case if they do.


    The main argument will be that the scope of the arbitration is different to the CAT case and most of that was heard in private.


    The SJHL stuff just gives us two different routes to defeat the PL's case, the PL have to win both arguments, we only have to win one.


    Even if the PL do that it looks like at best they will get a stay until after arbitration  they're not getting the case thrown out altogether.

    Ahhh see, my interpretation was that if SJHL fell within the scope of the PL rules, then that in affect would sink any need for a CAT case as they're bound by the agreement to settle disputes internally, so of that argument is proved to be correct then this would get thrown out. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, 54 said:

    Lets not be mistaken, there are no good guys in this situation. There are bad guys and bad guys. Just a bunch of rich people that are throwing a public tantrum at each other, that have no idea how to even relate to the fans that each of them claim to have the best interests of.


    Mike Ashley is an utter tosser that has somehow over the last 18 months put himself in a position where, in the press and in the eyes of some fans he is the good guy. He has treated the entirety of this club with utter distain for 13 years, done the exact opposite of what was right for the club at every turn, and antagonised us fans at every corner. He's an asshole and should have no support with anyone associated with the club, now or in the future when we're finally rid of him.


    While I obviously want this takeover to go through, I do have serious misgivings about the Saudis owning the club, there human rights record is abhorrent, they're corrupt and just "get rid" of people that have a different opinion to the state. We'd be used as a vessel to improve their image Worldwide to billions of people, and that doesn't sit right in the stomach.


    If at the very beginning of this whole situation that was the reason the Premier League rejected it, i'd actually be in support of it. Money isn't the only thing worth something in this world and If we where just bought by some other random rich guy, that only had the money to get us in that 10th to 7th region, but we'd actually try and do things the right way, I'd probably prefer that then the Saudi state owning us.


    It actually makes me a bit of a hypocrite as I know full well, I'll be cheering every goal that goes in should the takeover go through, and probably not even give an iota of care if we ever won anything.


    The human rights record wasn't the reason though, and in a world where it's very clear the Premier League have been corrupt at every turn, have treated the club and fans with utter contempt, and are clearly influenced by an elite minority. This whole process has shown how fit for purpose they are, that being not at all, so it's going to a sweet day when/ if the takeover goes though, and they can quite frankly get fucked.

    Great post. 



  6. 4 minutes ago, RS said:

    No flimsier than Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyanwa and the City Group?

    Agreed, but unless I missed it, I didnt hear that type of argument from the QC, just seemed to be centred around under what capacity Ashley signed forms. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:


    Didn’t quite get your wish, but they did manage to post to tell fans not to record the session :lol: Almost as ridiculous as the health and safety assessment of the London process.


    Considering we heard first hand today about how much the PL wants to hide from Newcastle fans, it’s staggering they’re still sat on their hands.


    At a total loss for why they wouldn't be all over this. 


    Do the PL have any legislative power over them? If they're threatening to kick us out the league perhaps they have that on NUST as well? Literally the only explanation I have. 


  8. 2 hours ago, Heron said:

    Yeah, I think so. I think too mich emphasis has been placer on communicating with the club in the past and whilst the Trust should be cautious how it positions itself it should absolutely join fans in putting the club to task in my opinion. After all its a Supporters Trust, its primary function is to act for supporters.


    The problem again though is, even if the Trust do, do something it won't be enough for some. I do feel it should assiist those groups trying to make a difference and/or apply pressure any reasonable way possible though, now before it's too late and we're relegated. 


    That's fair enough :thup:


    I do think NUST need to be more takeover centric rather than anti Ashley at the moment and perhaps need to communicate that support a bit more than they have been doing, but yeh, appreciate the debate.

  9. 53 minutes ago, Heron said:

    Absolutely. Sorry I meant improved not apptoved in ny origonal post too.


    Can guarantee if they announce they're small wins people will have them (us?) down as egotistical pricks though or the wins won't be big enough. It's those wins that clubs up and down the country aren't having to deal with because the clubs are by and large ran better than ours. Then we have all the added shit of Ashley and takeovers, etc. I petsonally think this trust has a difficult task, one of the most, because of our status and size and the fact no ones communicates, agrees or even listens. That's why for me engaging with fans is the key. 



    Will play devil's advocate again and ask whether the Trust's strategy is the correct one if it's proving to be so divisive amongst the demographic it represents? 


    Just my personal opinion, but there is one singular issue that ALL Newcastle fans agree on, and that's the ownership issue. Wouldn't it therefore be of more value to the fans, Trust and the club if the strategy was geared towards ensuring the eventual departure of Ashley?


    Quite how that's manifests itself into a cohesive plan is up for debate but wouldn't that be the best way to engage the fans - by appealing to their 'needs'






  10. 1 hour ago, Heron said:

    I think the Trust needs to be more vocal in its successes without losing modesty. It's about recognising areas that can be approved as well as areas that have all ready had successes and allowing transparency. 


    I definitely think the Trust could afford to be more vocal, especially on the bigger issues which all the fans are united on, but the challenge they'll face and will always face is that any wins they might have are affectively meaningless whilst Ashley is still the owner and that's a theme that runs through the entire club. 

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