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Posts posted by Thumbheed

  1. 6 minutes ago, The Prophet said:


    Seven of those against Liverpool and City who are absolutely lightyears ahead of everyone bar maybe Chelsea. Three of those were individual errors that gifted them goals.


    Tbf, that stat was in response to a point made about mistakes being the reason we're conceding where as I was taking the wider view that Howe has selected poorly and not seemingly improved our organisation. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, TRon said:


    Quite a few, there was two today, and the other two were down to not having proper full backs. If you were in charge, what would you do differently? 




    I suppose it boils down to what degree you class a mistake as a mistake, and yeh I suppose there has been a few more clear errors BUT ultimately, the vast majority of goals are as a result of a mistake, no? 


    I'd select my best defenders, I'd put more thought into which CM are going to provide the best protection for our frail defence and I'd take a leaf out the books of managers who are all able to coach a well drilled defence and make it greater than the sum of it's part. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Heron said:

    I think we press better, and higher. The problem we have is the lack of quality/correct personnel in positions/style he wants to play. Dare I say it, a Mo Diame type of player is probably what's needed, or maybe more than one. We lack a degree of dynamism and above all else our decision making is shocking. Even going forward... 


    We're definitely more intense but again, I think some of our closing down can be quite disjointed and  uncoordinated. 


    Agree with everything else tbf, I've said in another thread that I'd actually love to defend like we did under Keegan; with better attacking players who know how to manage the ball and therefore don't give opposition the oppurtunity to build  chances against us.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Heron said:

    The majority of your post is reasonable I think until that last paragraph. Whilst the lack of quality of the players can be attributed to both, the lack of fitness and coordination can only be applied to one. Bruce was grossly negligent prior to his departure and we're in a whole shittier predicament than when Bruce joined. Bruce was his own enemy. 

    Yeh agree with the point about fitness, but to counter that, fitness levels are now up and we're still defensively disorganised and uncoordinated. 


    I haven't made my mind up in Howe and was actually excited by his appointment, but I'm judging him on things that are in his gift to change and so far, he doesn't seem to be making the impact I'd hoped. 

  5. 1 minute ago, TRon said:


    The goals have mostly been individual errors, not so much poor management. On the other hand, he's made a midfielder out of Joelinton, that's not happening if you've got Bruce still in charge. 


    We've conceded 11 games in 3 games.


    How many individual errors are you seeing that I'm not?

  6. 29 minutes ago, The Bonk said:


    So you're pissed he hasn't parked the bus? :lol: 

    • He rightfully put in Lewis, who's played decently until he gets injured. 
    • Pulled Clark after his shit play against Norwich.
    • Has to rotate back to said shit player to avoid burn out of somewhat capable players

    Most of our goals are boneheaded individual errors of players who clearly aren't cut out for the league. I'm appalled that you're appalled. :lol: 


    My concerns with Howe were and have always been he doesn't have a record of improving defences, which funnily enough is our weakest area and exactly what we need.  


    So far, I've not seen anything to suggest I am wrong. 


    As for team selection, he put Lewis in because Ritchie was suspended, Ritchie was 1st choice in all his games prior to suspension. (For someone who's analysed us for his interview, being unable to spot that Ritchie is poor and should not have been 1st choice is not a good sign)


    Clarke was suspended, after Norwich and again should not have been selected in the first place. (We all know this)


    Burn out? What burnout? We're not even half way through the season. 


    Fernández has played one game for us, inspite of clearly being our best defender. (Again, something which everyone should agree on)


    Shelvey and Willock have played the most games together, again, inspite of them both being defensively poor leaving massive gaps through the centre. 


    None of what I've said is new to any us. I'm not saying anything which isn't a shared opinion for the majority of us, which, which makes it more frustrating that after a year off to reflect on his own weaknesses - and ours - he's still seemingly not addressed our defence in any meaningful manner and keeps making the most basic of mistakes.


    Ultimately though, whatever defence you have of Howe is applicable to Bruce, so blaming the quality of the players just won't cut it.

  7. His management of the defence, in terms of selection and organisation, has been appaling and I don't see how anyone can say otherwise. 



  8. Maybe a bit left field, bit I actually think our midfield and attack need more of an overhaul than our defence. 


    If we're moving to a possesion based game then we need better players on the ball who can hold onto the ball better, play the right passes and make the right runs. 


    Right now we have legs in midfield but we concede possession so easily with mindless play which immediately puts us back under pressure. 





  9. 8 hours ago, HaydnNUFC said:


    I felt our attacking players aside from backup for Wilson were okay, but after Leicester on Sunday I agree. Lingard would be ideal.

    I just think we're woefully imbalanced and have been for a while.


    Having someone who poses a legitimate attacking threat on the right alongside ASM on the left would surely make a world of difference to our play.

  10. Honestly, his positioning, work rate, use of his body is all top drawer.


    A few sketchy moments in possession in tight areas but I think that can be worked on. I'd love to see him him a more refined midfield postion tbh. 


    Fucking madness. 

  11. Think I laughed when people were putting him in at CM in their formations but I'm starting to think it's a real possibility, his defensive work is his greatest strength and is actually high quality. 

  12. That's to me should be the game plan for us going forward. 


    Poorer sides are going to give us breaks in possession more often than a side like Liverpool will and that plays into this game plan perfectly imo. 

  13. 37 minutes ago, Jackie Broon said:


    That's a different situation, the O&D test issue would have prevented them from buying any PL club (although we all know it wouldn't had they being buying one of the right ones from the start).


    That's not an issue now.


    Probably one of the main things that attracted them to us was our current advantageous FFP position. If we are relegated that is whiped out and it adds at least 2 years to the project, realistically more like 3-5.


    It's very naive to think that they wouldn't consider looking elsewhere.





    It was widely reported that they would still be willing buyers even if we'd gone down last season, so I think there's far far more to this purchase than an advantageous FFP position, hence why selling up just seems incredibly unlikely. 


  14. 1 hour ago, r0cafella said:

    The issue isn’t injecting money in to the company, the issue is what counts towards FFP spend. 

    the reason the likes of Man city have to do these stupid sponsorships is because the ownership can’t just inject money and have of count towards FFP. 


    But Ashley's loan didn't count towards FFP did it? 

  15. Not sure if I should be concerned but I'm not at all tbh. 


    We clearly have money to spend irrespective of sponsorship deals, so building success from any initial outlay should increase the value of any forthcoming sponsorship deals in the future. 


    We already have some of the highest viewing figures in the UK and we're now marketable in one of the richest countries in the world and in all probability will soon have mass global appeal once we start spending some dollar over the next few years. 


    Should we be on the projectory that we hope to be in 2 or 3 years time, then market value will be in line with the teams we're hoping to eventually compete with no? 


    What am I missing?





  16. I missed the part where we read about signing players in order of importance, but for what it's worth our right hand side offers nothing offensively so having someone on the right who can put in a great cross from any position could make a huge difference to our team. 

  17. 1 minute ago, LV said:

    I don’t think we know yet just how rich (or not) we actually are.


    All we are hearing from Amanda and Mehrdad is that its ‘slow and steady’ and we’re hearing things like £50m per transfer window on transfers.


    We should have a bit more evidence to go on after January but I don’t think we’ll know for sure who or what we are until the summer transfer window. 


    Yeh, totally agree, we could only have a budget of £50m, but I guess I was addressing the notion that we shouldn't be spending x amount of a player of y age, because relatively speaking, it's immaterial to us. 


    It was just an example of how wealthy our owners actually are, I of course have absolutely no idea how willing they are to spend but thats a different argument.

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