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Posts posted by Fitzgerald

  1. Look at that slimy smarmy b****** Bishop man another c*** alongside Charnley that theres a special place in hell reserved for


    I hate him as much as Ashley and Bruce the slippery Cunt

  2. He’s in an almost impossible position, 11th choice, not enough time preseason, existing players who must have been p*ssed off with the shambolic way the club handled Rafa and then muddled around for a replacement and new signings coming into a storm.


    The bile that’s coming his way needs to be redirected to Ashley, Bruce is making the hash of it most believed he would and his media skills are clumsy and crass. I’ve never rated Bruce as a manager, I detest his weird accent, he looks like he lives in Fenwicks doorway and I really don’t think he had any real support for NUFC. His dad might have but I can’t remember Bruce ever recalling any NUFC matches of his youth or attending any as a fan. The fact that he managed Sunderland is neither here nor there for me.


    Directing s*** towards Bruce might get him out but he’d simply get replaced. Ashley has to be the target we should remember that. Bruce is just a symptom.


    Partly think this was half the reason he was hired, they knew he was no good and would probably take the heat off Ashley for a while. Turn the concentration on to Bruce and away from the real issue.


    Probably why Charnley has got a lot more vocal recently too because he knows he's inciting hatred and again that takes focus away from Ashley and on to another of his patsy shoe lickers.


    This is so true. Every move Ashley makes and all the sound bites that come out come through Bishop. There's a reason behind these mad choices. Bruce will have been bought in for the Geordie angle and to take some focus off Ashley no doubt about it. Bishop is running this shitshow and he has 45k brainwashed zombies hanging off his every word







    They are all complict in this and all as big a Cunt as each other

  3. Just incredible to think that our fans actually resent people who protest against this c***. We could lose the next 5 games (and probably will) and there will still be hostility to any matchday protests. This club is going to get everything it deserves this season. We are going to be completely humiliated. The owner deserves it for gross negligence and actively avoiding an ambitious running of the club, whilst the fans deserve it due to 95% of them complicit in this thanks to their silence, whilst anyone still paying to go is funding this oblivion.


    We cannot stay up, or else everything that has happened this summer will be vindicated and the cycle will never end. We need to plummet. What a miserable state of affairs.


    Great post spot on

  4. This c*** needs lynching. I bet he would have been in the 90s


    Needs a West Ham style protest from the other year. Will it happen no even though it should.


    You're right that's exactly what it needs. More chance of one of us winning the lottery though

  5. On top of everything I think the thing that pisses me off the most about him is his f***ing accent! Wish he would f*** off talking like that. Did he always talk like that? Sure he never used to.


    :lol: :lol:


    Same. If he spoke normally and never pretended to be a Newcastle fan it wouldn't have been half as bad

  6. Hard to believe it's ended up like this, with this guy in charge.


    Rafa Benitez, man. We had it so f***ing good for once.


    Staggering man isn't it. I remember 3 months ago I was going to Paris for the weekend and really looking forward to watching our match v Liverpool on the Saturday night as the highlight. I made sure I went out my way to watch it and was buzzing for it.


    The giant flag, Rafa, that atmosphere, the sense we were on the cusp of something again. The bar was full of Liverpool fans but I was celebrating our goals wildly and so proud people knew I was a Newcastle fan.


    That to Bruce and wanting us spanked again  :anguish:

  7. Cant bare to listen to his stupid fake posh Geordie accent man.


    Spurs will rip this c*** apart.


    This. I called it he will go down as the most hated man to step foot in SJP dugout

  8. Looks like he's washed his face with a tin of red paint on Soccer Saturday.


    Looks hugely rattled too. He’s managed to combine the smarm and cliches of Pardew with the obvious lack of intelligence of Carver, the stereotypical thick Geordie w*****. He’s a f***ing shambles of a man and I’ve got absolutely zero sympathy for him too. Hope he f***ing bursts soon.

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