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Posts posted by Fitzgerald

  1. f*** off Steve, fat ugly manc mackem beaver.


    Grotesque snake mackem fake Geordie  shithead


    The pair of you really make me want to get behind Bruce and Ashley. It's quite unbelievable.


    That dosent take much tbf  :lol:

  2. Exactly. I'm never going to be able to leave it alone, it was and is in me too much. But I can't support Ashley's version of the club and knowing there is no hope and it's all pointless. I've had a fucking bellyfull of this for 12 years now and Bruce is the final straw


    Going down and staying down is the best chance of Ashley leaving and If he dosent then at least crowds will half, he loses loads of money and the super fans won't have a club to support either.


    That's what it's come too now

  3. Why do all the Militant Mags, constantly post in the match thread wishing we lose?


    "Come on you Canaries." f*** off man.


    This Board has gone to absolute s***.


    Because losing is more likely to get rid of Ashley, I'd presume.


    Why post on the match thread at all then?


    This constant wishing to lose is just grating on me.


    I won't spend any money on the Toon, realise we need Ashley out, and clearly Bruce is a poor choice for manager. I get that.


    But I can't cheer when Newcastle gets beat or want them to get beat.


    It's for the good of the club though anyone can see that

  4. Can hear it all now, 'Pardew knows the club, he did a great job here and we were disappointed  when he left.  I know he says he has unfinished business here and it'll be great to have a man of his experience back at the helm'

    The dream appointment for me. Would SURELY be the final nail that hammers home the point to more of our sooopa fans.




    No chance. Be 50k first game easily

  5. Come back to me froggy when people pay you for scouting reports, like they do for me.  O0



    Not sure putting 2 weeks holiday in to play football manager counts, although technically your statement is correct.



  6. I hope we get pumped. 1-1 realistically.

    Same. Fucking hell there can't be many other clubs at all where loads of fans want them to get smashed 2nd game into a new season. Rightly so as well.


    What a rancid club. Imagine just having a club that wants to do well and be able to support it and go to games normally

  7. £20k invoice for bishop delivered.


    Yep. Has to be. Surely the only explanation why the local media are happy to push mediocrity and c***s like Bruce on the citys once proud football club

  8. This is what PFMs do, they take pride in blagging everything and carrying on like it's all easy and the foreigners are the idiots for putting some effort in.


    I have to ask. PFM stand for? Patsy fucking manager?

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