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Joey Linton

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Posts posted by Joey Linton

  1. On 15/09/2022 at 21:15, Joey Linton said:

    One of the things with Dubravka is that when he's been out of the side he always seems to need a run of games before he's up to full speed and in decent again. He's never getting that there, is he?

    As predicted. He's such a slow starter.

  2. 1 hour ago, Klaus said:

    Such a shit league. No matter how crap/average they are, they are only ever a few points or so away from play off places.

    The side in third have lost as many as the side who are second bottom. The standard is terrible.

  3. 21 hours ago, FloydianMag said:

    The BoL is only about a 3rd full……they must all be out ‘doing the Xmas shoplifting marra’

    Official attendance just over 34,000 apparently. Not even close to the true figures.

  4. 28 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    I didn’t vote for anyone or even see who was up for nomination. Would’ve quite happily voted for you as promised.


    Not sure why you think I'd have any interest in joining such a terribly run organisation, let alone wish to get myself on the board when board members have left due to not being allowed a voice.


    28 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    As for attracting people my guess is it’s a lot of hassle for little to no reward. Not looked that closely but guessing @Greg has finally escaped?


    They've never had problems with people wanting to do it in the past. The answer to why they do now is above. Escaped is an odd one, he was happy to welcome back Alex and lose other decent members in the process.


    28 minutes ago, LFEE said:


    Not a massive MM fan and unlike AH I’ve actually met him a couple of times. Having said that clearly a NUFC stalwart and I’d imagine a bit more militant in his approach than AH so might not be such a bad appointment.


    Oh you're going to be surprised.


    28 minutes ago, LFEE said:


    Does anyone know if there’s a maximum term you can serve? As you don’t want a FIFA style NUST ?


    We already have that.

  5. 3 hours ago, sushimonster85 said:


    Old gorilla hands has made his Sophie's choice and decided he loves Ashley more than he loves the football team he has supported all his life. What's the deal with this love he has for a man who has never (publicly) acknowledged he exists. Is it that old 'cleared gambling debts' rumour that was knock around about Keys and Pardew a few years ago?

    "Ashley can flush out the chancers" is one of the funniest things I've ever read. :lol:

  6. 8 minutes ago, James said:

    Worth noting that Toney started doing this while playing for us.


    Many factors might have led to him doing this but the club needs to investigate and consider:


    a) Are there any malign influences within NUFC that encouraged this behaviour at the time in whatever way, be it a first teamer or a youth coach who is still at the club?


    b) is there a gap in the support that we give young players that still remains, which may have contributed to his alleged destructive behaviour?


    c) did we send him to a club on loan without properly vetting their dressing room? What vetting processes do we now have in place?

    No he's just been a complete dick.

  7. 10 hours ago, The Butcher said:


    They hate that lad on RTG after he made a fool of their own expert Grumpy.


    Edit : Just seen Grumpy is trying to explain why the photo means absolutely nothing. That'll be him owed a pint of Uruguay's finest ale. :lol:

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