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Everything posted by gasman

  1. Ha. Wow. That’s your shortest post today. I’m claiming that as inspired by me. I know you know it’s on last page and many times before. So I’ll make you a counter offer, just to you... I’ll give £1,000 to the food bank if we get taken over before 15/6. You give £500 if we don’t. That’s only half a fixture in your new box ;-) Out of interest, why do you think it will not go through before then? And does this mean you don’t think it will happen at all? Pretty sure PRL is as hopeful as anyone that it goes through. He's not having an arguement, he's doing what I do, betting against something good happening in the hope he doesn't jinx s***, and if he loses he'll be happy and the food bank gets a boost. Canny. So if he loses he knows there is a can of spam in it for him?
  2. I have probably done much worse after a few lines to be honest
  3. 2am food bank donation. My alarm clock must have been broken...
  4. Fancy giving all that money to a foodbank to in an argument. Hardly any of that money will end up with the needy
  5. Moaty and gazza both took it out for a whirl. Didnt see it after that
  6. f***ing hell, absolutely embarrassing. Yes Miguel’s made a right t#%t of himself embarrassing to say the least. Hopefully he gets demoted to tea boy. a journalist has an opinion (which has no affect on anything in reality) therefore he's an "embarrassment"? Everyone’s entitled to a opinion, however when you ram that same opinion relentlessly in people’s faces it over steps the mark. The bloke won’t even listen to a different opinion, he is right fact every time. I would suggest for a journalist you should at the very least be balanced. So in my opinion yes he is an idiot, but that’s not fact just my opinion. Good enough for you. Your opinion has overstepped the mark, please stop posting it
  7. Nothing like being x10 richer than Man city to bring us all together. Lets find something outside of our control to worry over
  8. You're right, it was actually 4 years ago https://www.newcastle-online.org/forum/index.php?topic=97318.0 Nobody listens to him, good find but ignore
  9. Apologies, *murderers Oof, all of them? Just the ones he was referring to. Just responding in kind to what was quite obviously bait tbh. Think our future chairman is a canny lad actually, no murders or anything. I'm sure he's sound. MBS on the other hand...(if it's still there that is) Aren't Donald and Methven providing enough entertainment at the moment?
  10. You say debunk, but disagree probably works better, as its people’s differing views, not those being wrong and you being right. When someone does something like conflate the Saudi State who are buying us, with the UK government who aren't, or they conflate private Saudi investors who bought Sheff Utd with the Saudi state who are buying us, that's a differing view but it's still also wrong like. Listen to the forums Miguel I’m right your wrong. Must be hard mixing with such dim wits on here being the intellectual you are. What the saudis own Sheffield too?
  11. I do wish people on both sides of the argument would stop using the term 'The Saudis'. They are going to invest a lot of money in NUFC and it would be pertinent for us to address them correctly
  12. Is that the one that was rude to bin ladens mates wife? We should get involved
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