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Everything posted by gasman

  1. What makes you think football will be returning to anything close to normal sooner than expected? Last I heard there isn't going to be football crowds at home grounds until the end of the year, pretty hard to see how owning a football club is going to be seen as a good financial proposition without gate receipts and played out in empty stadiums. The Tv money will still be in play if the PL resumes even behind closed doors. That could be as early as July, i doubt it would be much closer to xmas but that is merely guesswork. TV companies will not be paying big money for a game without crowds. Football as an investment is f***ed for the next 12 months or so, only the Saudis would find it worthwhile, and that's because of political reasons, not because they are expecting to make money. One of the reasons I've said we are pretty lucky the Saudis chose us as the club they want to invest in. TV money is obviously the bulk of the money in the game now. I do not know either way if they are tied in to pay the full contracted rate under the current situation or not. Hopefully you are right
  2. What makes you think football will be returning to anything close to normal sooner than expected? Last I heard there isn't going to be football crowds at home grounds until the end of the year, pretty hard to see how owning a football club is going to be seen as a good financial proposition without gate receipts and played out in empty stadiums. The Tv money will still be in play if the PL resumes even behind closed doors. That could be as early as July, i doubt it would be much closer to xmas but that is merely guesswork.
  3. I do buy into the no news is usually good news but just with mike ashley involved you end up in a situation when up is down and down is up.
  4. You expecting all that to happen In the next week to 2 weeks? Not at all. At the beginning some people were mwntioning this could take 12 to 18 months for the virus to resolve. Its not looking that way now.
  5. I have a feeling that if the lockdown comes out and the economy returns to normal sooner than expected he will hold on to us. Unless there are severe financial penalties involved in him doing so.
  6. A good time for such a discussion would be when we have been sold, rather than beforehand. It's absolutely pointless unless the sale goes through. Absolutely agree with this, I know when they planned it they thought it would have happened but would be easier to postpone than deal with the issues it might cause Yep. Bang on
  7. Thats 5 years right away. Such a waste of talent. He will regret it if he doesnt already
  8. I think that is actually where I am about with it. The difference is im not supposed to be a journalist.
  9. Couldnt care if they were the green party as long as they sing the song
  10. I just cannot see it going pear shaped at this point, its just a money hold up of some sort
  11. Dont forget the critical extension lead. Unless you live in poland
  12. Seen that and immediately thought skibbydibbydembopbodopbop. Now I can't get the Scatman out of my head. Cheers. Reminded me of the noise of molegrips turning the meter back round the correct way and then someone opening the door half a minute later to the smell of gas
  13. Appropriate username. Mike f***ing about, what, not accepting the £300m bank transfer? give over, this is mike ashley
  14. They haven’t passed the test, the money transfer hasn’t even begun They have
  15. The PL have already passed the test on the relevant people, all that is holding this up is a money issue and i have no idea why. Could be mike fucking about Could be money taking time to transfer. Could be both.......
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