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Posts posted by RobsonsWonderland

  1. 11 minutes ago, Ben said:


    I think thats harsh, Wilson should patrolling the 6 yard box and anything anywhere near should be his.

    Maybe but look at our goal last night... isak knew where and when to play the cross.

    Even looked up 3 times before he did it.

    But then he is a level above.

  2. So our go to move seems to be tight passing across the right side of the box and the ball being played across.


    These are the ones I think he should be poaching... But then again it is a lottery where longstaff's or miggys crosses will end up.

  3. We are on a slower squad building journey then our league position suggests


    You either have to dream of the likes of Bellingham or Rice or accept we are taking it step by step at the clubs pace.


    But I think Gordon is good enough to strengthen our midfield pool.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Dokko said:


    Lampard would hate that, especially if he turns it around.


    If they can convince him, Bielsa would be a great appointment but no guarantee it'll work. Will be a stroke of genius or a total fail. No inbetweens 

    Does Bielsa not need more time to beast them and make them fit enough to run around at 100 miles per hour or get them into his way of thinking?

  5. I don't think you can fully judge a player whilst playing for a poor team, under a poor manager.


    I mean Almiron, Schar, Big Joe are a million miles away from where they were under Bruce.


    And if I'm honest I would rate Lampard at the same level as Bruce. 



    So I'm in the camp that if Eddie believes that it works for his system then it must be part of a bigger plan.



  6. Of the three where would  you place them on the Chris Wood Transfer Rating Scale?


    1. Rubbish player never wanted him

    2. average player but Eddie could work his magic.

    3. Don't rate him... But when we sign him, I will pretend he has always been quality?


    1. McSauce 2. Gordon, 3. Tielemans






  7. So we spent this weekend worrying about the results from the Manchester and London derbies and beat the 6th placed team in the league...


    Let that sink in and forget about the past 15 or so years where we would be celebrating a 1.0 win no matter how we played.


    More teams will set up to frustrate us, so we will need to keep plugging away in games... Obviously if Longstaff could put away these early chances it would bloody take the stress away lol

  8. Not sure what to say... But this is the REAL Newcastle.

    Hereford, Luton, Brentford.. Christ I can even remember us struggling to get draws at Non league teams the year we got to the finals in the 90s.


    And for balance if Bruce had played this team under Ashley we would have been screaming from the roof tops to get them both out.


    Just pray we get through the Leicester game and then start to improve our squad depth 

  9. It still frustrates me how useless he is at our corners... Surely even 1 out of 100 crosses should bounce of him if he didn't just stand on the line!

  10. 2 hours ago, christ said:

    This is almost entirely because the referee was a benny who lost his head about 20 minutes in. 

    I never understand these stats... I mean we were not purposely kicking the ball out of play during the game?

    The 16 fouls we give away were mostly due to their players falling down to win free kicks or pretending they had been pole axed in the face by a vicious finger nail.


    Both teams tried to bend the rules to win the game let's not pretend otherwise.


  11. Going to sound like our friends down the road... But the tickets went on sale to season ticket holders over Christmas when a, people were too busy to notice 

    B, wait to get tickets together 

    C, its another chunk of money just after a lot of people have other things to pay for?


    Either we at it will be 50k plus on the night and I heard a lot more season ticket holders around me saying they had booked tickets 





  12. I think longstaff's faults would be overlooked if we had other cms who were regularly scoring, running past players or having the skill to play the killer ball into the forward.


    Big Jo, Willock and Longstaff are unable to that against defensive teams.. so the negative traits are highlighted as soon as we struggle.



  13. That is crazy by the Premier League.. say we missed out on champions league place by a point or another team were relegated.. does this open them up to be sued?


    I remember Sheff Utd getting money for the West Ham Tevaz signing? Think the next season had started so they were stuck in the Championship but the Premier League had to pay them off??

  14. Listening to a comment on the radio..

    If Southgate had to apply for the job back in 2016 he would not have got it. It was more there was no other English option available after he got the caretaker job.


    6 years later we are still saying there is no viable English manager options.


    If we really want to stick to the English or nothing rule.. how do the FA encourage top clubs to give English managers a pathway to the top.


    I mean it's how Mike Bassett got the job in the 2001 film and people thought it was a joke back then!

  15. 3 hours ago, St. Maximin said:

    Southgate is a man I will always have a lot of respect for and will associate with some of my favourite memories of watching England so far in my life. I don’t think those are reasons to keep him on though and he should leave deserving of a lot of praise. I think we now know this is a very talented side (weaker starting line-up than 2006, but more depth) that should be thinking of itself as among the best and should no longer be seen as brave losers doing the nation proud etc. I think Southgate’s ability to create a positive culture and environment cannot be understated, but ultimately I think he lacks that winning mentality and so will only take us so far. 

    Different sport I admit, but I can’t help but look at the impact McCullum and Stokes have had following a previous overly cautious coach and captain. It may not always work but it seems to allow talented players to thrive and probably has a significant impact mentally on the opposition too. 

    Fully agree... Sometimes you need someone to lay the foundations but then you need a manager with that extra 1 percent to breakthrough to next level.





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