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Posts posted by christ

  1. 1 minute ago, JJ7 said:

    However you're allowed an opinion on whether you think fan group ownership, or a fans group having a seat on the board is a good idea or not. It's not just a test of who is optimistic and who is miserable.

    Of course, but that doesn’t seem to be what people are griping about.

  2. As sure as a groan from the East Stand follows any misplaced pass, any fan-led initiative will be followed by the same tedious bores having a big old fucking whinge.

    I don’t understand the desire to heap derision on stuff like this. You can be of the belief that it won’t work, but surely it’s better to provide some sort of critical support to people who are attempting to change things for the better? Especially in this instance where there seems to be some semblance of perspective and realism about what’s achievable, and it isn’t associated with some grifting cunt desperate for some publicity. If you’re embarrassed then you’re supporting the wrong football club. We’re a laughing stock - have been for most of the last decade - and it has very little to do with the fans.

    You don’t get brownie points for being a miserable git on the internet, even if you are eventually proven correct.

  3. 10 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

    Valid concern for a lot of people. I guess if we knew exactly who the owner will be in future, it would put off as many people as it would attract. Right now we don’t know who it will be. 

    I suppose the response would be that the idea is about fan representation rather than providing backing for the other shareholders. Whether that would satisfy people is up to them.

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