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Everything posted by McDog

  1. He's the guy that turned his tank gun on the bank in Kelly's Heroes.
  2. OK Lads, you've been the better team. Get that goal back.
  3. Sven fucked it up, and he's been so solid.
  4. That was less than some of the other tackles that were much worse.
  5. Isn't that kind of tackle from behind a yellow?
  6. That's interesting. Wouldn't happen in the USA I don't think at least.
  7. The Forrest "Firm" will swoop in on the pub when lads had a few pints and burgers. Possible.
  8. My mate at work is the UK manager for 3 on my team and we get on very well. He's a born and bred Leeds man so I always pull for Leeds for that reason only.
  9. My exact thought. This fucker is shitfaced.
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