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Everything posted by McDog

  1. What is worse, a loss or a replay? I say a loss although replay would suck.
  2. Eddie is fired up. I'm sure he told Tindall "Fuck all this"
  3. OK, enough fucking around. Nice on Bruno and offsides even out.
  4. No, just a very good keeper I watched. I got nothing against Lev. Like Van Der Sar, good keepers I've seen.
  5. Well, that's kinda fucked up. When I said I wanted a good game I really didn't mean it.
  6. Fair point by the commentator on Newcastle's lack of goals.
  7. Never saw Lev, sounds like he was something else.
  8. Hard to win when they have David Seaman between the posts over there.
  9. Hard to argue with you on that. I've seen him do better but he looks really bad.
  10. Usually Murphy would have taken him on. Surprised.
  11. I do love his crazy drives forward. Ritchie needs to perfect the head injury at the end though.
  12. Looks like ESPN+ is slightly behind UK broadcast.
  13. Can't wait to see the strongest 11 sometime soon.
  14. Funny how most were pretty excited last year when Dubs came back. He played really well and now watching him whilst comparing him to an in form Pope he doesn't look so great.
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