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Everything posted by McDog

  1. I lived through that. I still recall listening to a Vikings-Lions game on the radio in my bedroom in the mid 70's because it was blacked out. Local companies used to buy up remaining tickets and distribute them to charity so the games could be broadcast.
  2. Argies are in the final! Really looking forward to Sunday already.
  3. I get Peacock free from having Comcast which allows me to get pretty much every Premier League game.
  4. McDog

    Gonçalo Ramos

    I took a pass on that one.
  5. He is good. Can't he play some fullback too?
  6. McDog

    Loris Karius

    Very good question, I would think he'd be pushing for a January transfer to get his career back on track.
  7. McDog

    Garang Kuol

    That dude and the Cats were great. The Cats got killed but loved watching the Seekers play at the Grand Final. edit: Gary had some issues after he retired I've read......
  8. Well, not a bottomless pit of cash, at least not yet. They need to build up sellable assets and rake in sponsorship money. They do, however, seem to have a bottomless pit of cashflow which is good. I'm not worried either about England. He has a great setup here.
  9. McDog

    Garang Kuol

    Where does Aussie Rules Football fit in? Seemed like people were either Rugby or AFL by and large. I sued to see the fans of one or the other disparaging each other on forums years ago.
  10. McDog

    Garang Kuol

    That's what I thought as an outsider. Soccer was a distant 4th as far as sports go from what I read and saw. AFL was fun to follow years ago. Think the Cats and Gary Ablett. Really enjoyed watching those guys. The Rugby fans called it Arial Ping Pong. I'd love to see Kuol succeed and maybe give the sport a boost.
  11. I take it the days of a manager doing double duty are a thing of the past?
  12. Good fight by England, sad they didn't advance but glad the Newcastle boys can head home.
  13. That's what Brazil and Morocco said. One happy one not.
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