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Everything posted by McDog

  1. USA folded in the second half against Wales. They need to keep the foot on the gas. Great chance for England late, seems like USA controlled play for a while. Anyone have the first have stats?
  2. I like what I saw there. USA playing with some spirit and determination despite being inferior in talent. Dest seems to have lots of bad games but not today.
  3. Wilson nailed a fantastic one last year as I'm sure you'll recall.
  4. I'm glad T-Rex is in there for you guys. I would have been terrified of Popey back there, withh Pickford you at least have a small chance.
  5. I believe the Minnesota Loons are showing the game on the stadium big screen. That sounds like so much fun but I'm too lazy to walk the half mile, plus it's 44f degrees out there.
  6. I can't follow the games live with you guys on here due to the time difference but that's exactly what I said when I saw it.
  7. I'm suddenly thinking of the old ESPN TV ad where Evander Holyfield is walking through the ESPN office after being told Charlie Steiner said something bad. Charlie is hiding under his desk and Evander yells "Get out here Charlie and take your whooping".
  8. I did come up with a scenario. USA goes up 4-0 and Callum scores 3 to just fall short. If I take a punt on that I could retire in luxury if I win.
  9. The problem is I'd like him to bag three but he's playing against my country so how can I hope for that in good faith?
  10. Won't press can't run, he's the exact opposite of what Howe seems to value.
  11. Just watching SA and Argentina. That was the most violent shot to the head I've seen in recent memory. That was horrible. edit: I mean the GK collision in extra time.
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