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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. I'm a member who has only been to a couple of cup games, so working on the basis a ticket will be a no go. 


    Local to North Shields, mates and I are still undecided. Part of me feels like we should go into town for it, however one of my pals is of the view that:


    A) Things could get spicy in the city centre if things don't go our way.

    B) Again, if it's a bad result, we're likely going to want to get home to sulk ASAP, and a packed Metro ride isn't ideal. 


    Have a feeling we may end up going to one of the pubs in Tynemouth for it.

  2. Think this will be a struggle. The team and crowd always have a bit of a cup hangover after LC games. And I think West Ham are in a false position and are turning things round. Wouldn't be shocked at a 0-0 or a 1-1. Bruno missing means ASM has to play for me. He and Bruno are the two real x-factors we have in the team in terms of breaking other sides down. Go about it in different ways obviously, but when one isn't playing I feel the other has to. Especially at home. Really hope Isak is ok after that noggin bounce as well, he has looked a step above Wilson since he's been back. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, petenufc1985 said:

    Can he play centre mid?


    Not sure if this is a genuine question or a commentary on our Jan business :laugh2:


    But not really, no. Closest he has come to that is playing as a 10 behind a striker, so could potentially be used there in a 4-2-3-1.

  4. Imagine the club will know either way by now. We probably won't get an idea till Howe's press conference. Unlike normal injuries it's not one he can play close to the chest. Either he has a concussion, and therefore the protocol keeps him out of Saturday, or he doesn't in which case he's available. 


    My own take is, it's a positive sign we was allowed to walk around the pitch at the end. Concussions are treated as serious business (rightfully) these days, I feel if the medical staff thought there was a chance he was concussed they'd have had in the training room.

  5. Don't get me wrong, we won't get Bellingham, but we will be likely in the CM merry-go-round this Summer. Bellingham, Caicedo, & Rice all likely to be on the move in the Summer. Us, Liverpool, Arsenal, Man Utd, Real Madrid, City, & Chelsea (because obviously) all likely to be in the hunt for one. It's going to be an interesting Summer. 

  6. 59 minutes ago, Scotty66 said:

    The ref went over to spoke to Howe and was pointing to his head. Would imagine he was saying its a concussion injury and Howe needs to take him off? 

    Never really seen a ref do that before though. 


    I have a daft theory that the ref had noticed someone on the bench tell Isak to stay down holding his head, and he (the ref) was pissed at our time wasting and basically came over to tell us if we think Isak has a head injury then he is going to have to go off by means of punishment. Because the medical team hadn't even come on the pitch yet to see to him. And the discussion between Howe, Tindall & the ref looked a little animated. 

  7. I do enjoy the idea of Chelsea (and the rest of the 'big' clubs that aren't City) shitting bricks about us. Makes sense, any time in the past where someone has either threatened (West Ham) or actually (Leicester) broken into the traditional top 6, they've never have the resources to fully back it up in following seasons. Now they know that the top 6 is going to be a case of musical chairs going forward and no one wants to be the one left without a chair when the music stops. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Jack27 said:

    It was never their plan to spend much money this month as they want to ensure their summer transfer kitty is as large as possible under Financial Fair Play Rules.


    Lets take a moment to recognize how far we have come in a short space. An initial outlay of £43m is now considered 'not much money'. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    The slower we go the more ground we have to make up. I’m sure FFP hinders us somewhat though, so it may be the only route we can take unfortunately.


    Have to remember though, in terms of ground to make up, we're already ahead of schedule. Even if we 'only' get Europa League. So long as Eddie and his team keep have us performing a few levels above where these players really should be, then it buys the recruitment/commercial sides time to work. 

  10. 1 minute ago, GeordieDazzler said:

    This may be the one season you can get away with being a bit short with no other commitments but the league (and hopefully the CC final). 


    This is a good point. The schedule of all the other teams around us is mental when compared to ours. Think Man U play twice the number of games we do between now and a potential League Cup final.

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