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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. It's probably the lingering reflex developed over the past 14 years, but I have bad feeling about tonight. In theory this is the most winnable game of these next 3 away games, but tonight just feels like a banana skin in the making. And then we're in to what are, outside of City and Arsenal, two of the toughest away games in the league at the moment straight after.


    Still, I'm going to try and be optimistic and say we win 2-0 tonight. Isak with the opener, then another late one from Wilson off the bench.  

  2. I know people probably find it too wanky with it's irreverent style humour, but the usual host of the TIFO podcast (Joe Devine) has been away for a few weeks and I actually think it's been pretty good in his absence.

  3. 22 minutes ago, KDT said:

    I am a bit surprised by how little Targett has been used since he's been back from injury, even the odd 10 minutes here and there haven't really happened. I don't know if there's any underlying issues with him but it does seems to have been a totally lost season given how well he did in the last 6 months last year.


    Think they looked at other LB options, but likely decided that big money would be better spent elsewhere given we could pick Targett up cheap and had Dan Burn. Imagine this Summer will be different with a LB one of the big priorities. So much of our attacks come down that right, imagine if we were just as lethal on the left. 

  4. A lot of the business will be dictated on which European competition we are in. CL and we need likely need 4 additions that are first team ready (LB, CDM, attacking mid & wide forward) as well as reinforcements with the idea of adding depth. 


    If it's Europa or Conference then its maybe 2/3 first teamers with more leeway for youth/depth options. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dr.Spaceman said:

    Realistically we need 20 points from the remaining 30 to finish 4th. Our form post-WC doesn't suggest that we're capable of doing that. I reckon we'll be around 5 points shy.


    I'd be pure buzzing if we did qualify like, obviously [emoji38]


    I'd say rather than any actual points total, we give ourselves a huge chance if we beat Man U on Sunday, and Spurs when they come up to visit. That Spurs game could be a 4th place 6 pointer.

  6. 4 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    I had read they wanted to give him a long contract but that doesn't seem to be the case. But the latest Athletic article suggests there are a number of complications particularly the new regimes fondness of  highly-incentivised contracts.


    I like that idea across football. As I understand most high-level contracts are 80-90% secured e.g. 100k p/w no matter what. Then 10k appearance bonus. Maybe 15k goal bonus etc.


    Much less common is a 50k base. 30k appearance bonus for 49 minutes + or 15k for any appearance. 40% bonus for qualifying for CL etc. That changes the whole complexion of the contract.


    One thing I find interesting about the Chelsea contracts was the wage drops if CL football isn't attained. I know most non 'big 6' sides have relegation wage reduction clauses, but I'd never heard of a reduction based on not getting CL. It may be a common thing among the more traditional top 4 sides, but it's not something I'd heard of till this new Chelsea ownership came in. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, STM said:


    Aye my point is that if we sign Maddison and Diaby, your 120m budget is gone. 


    We absolutely aren't signing both of them, I used their names as examples of players we've been linked too regularly. The only way that happens is if we qualify for the CL, but I've already said I believe if that happens the money spent will likely get close to 200m. Or if we manage to receive a large fee for ASM. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, STM said:


    Give me your list + costs. I'm not having a go, just interested in your workings out.


    That part isn't my job lol.


    I was just making the point that, yes, it would be hard/impossible to sign 6 good players for that kind of money, but I don't think that is exactly the plan. I think they will likely be looking at 3 first team additions (LB, CM, Forward), and then 2/3 players who may not be ready to play 38 games of a PL season, but that can be developed over the course of a year or 2 to get to that point. We need a CB, but the pressure to bring in a CB who can instantly come into the starting 11 v a LB who can isn't the same.


    I expect some signings we have heard plenty about (Maddison, Diaby etc) and some Brighton style ones who we (and most others) have never heard of. And a maybe a free transfer or two. 

  9. 1 minute ago, STM said:


    Waugh says that they want 6 players. It's going to take some effort to sign 6 good players and stick to 120m.


    Easier if its 3/4 good players. One (Maddison) likely at a reduced rate due to their contract situation. And 2/3 high potential kids from South America. 

  10. 1 minute ago, The College Dropout said:

    Chelsea aren't interested i putting Mount on 250k for 3 years. They will only do it for 7.


    As far as I understand it, the length of the contracts recently at Chelsea are purely an accounting trick used for amortising the transfer fee over as long of a period as possible. Which wouldn't be relevant with Mount as it's a renewal rather than a new signing.

  11. 16 minutes ago, McCormick said:

    No way of knowing of course but I can’t see us spending 200m. It’ll be similar to last season’s window imo- 120 to 130m.


    Think the only way we get close to 200m is if we qualify for the CL, as then the squad will need both quality and quantity. Europa on Conference League wouldn't require quite such drastic action. 

  12. Just now, Nine said:

    I’d say there would be a 50/50 chance of him getting injured. But if you added in Samoa Joe as well.. 


    The numbers don't lie, and they spell disaster for Man Utd at Sacrifice St James'

  13. 4 minutes ago, Nine said:

    He’s kind of a genetic freak (big poppa pump) when you consider how many kms he puts in over a season yet seems to avoid any muscle injuries. 


    What if you add Kurt Angle to the mix??

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