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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. I know it's been said ad nauseum everywhere, but how Gareth Southgate remains the only person who can't see the one of the more obvious fixes changes he needs to make is beyond me. He won'y actually learn anything. I bet any money the only change for the next game is Mainoo in for Gallagher. 


    Least Gordon will be pretty fresh for next season. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

    So are we thinking if no one leaves by Sunday then we will face a points deduction next season ?


    Seems to me a Minteh deal is pretty much ready to go. But as others have said, I imagine they'll have something up their sleeve if this falls through at the 11th hour. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Dokko said:


    Every window, so twice a year.


    Aye, but incredibly unlikely anyone drops 100m in Jan. If we don't get CL football I fully expect him to leave next Summer. And wouldn't begrudge the lad at that point. Genuinely one of the best in the world in his position and will be 27 by then. It would be time.


    Now if we get CL I could honestly see him wanting to stay here the rest of his career. Or at least till he goes back to retire in Brazil.

  4. 1 hour ago, HawK said:

    If we were to pay 30m for him off the back of his last season we'd be v happy tbh, just keep the lad, play him and take the points deduction, fuck it. 


    Would you say that if a points deduction costs us some form of European football?

  5. 21 minutes ago, OverThere said:


    IMO its our weakest position. Murphy and Almiron are both back ups at best.


    I'n not disagreeing with that. More that you seem to equate selling Minteh means Almiron staying/starting, I expect us to bring in a RW, and wouldn't be shocked if Almiron does still leave in this window. 

  6. 1 minute ago, OverThere said:

    Dreaming of seeing Almiron running around like a headless chicken for another season....


    Not really an either/or situation though. Minteh going doesn't mean Almiron is staying. Or if he does that he will be first choice. Been reported repeatedly that RW is a position we are looking at this Summer. 

  7. Do people honeslty believe the club manufacturers interest in other players to create a 'smokescreen' based purely off the whole Barella/Tonali situation? It's not how grown up business works, lads. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    Think today’s the day we’ll get a “here we go” on one of our players leaving and later in the week a “here we go” on someone coming in. Not ITK, just feel it in the water 


    Maybe not as confident as you about it being today. But certainly in the next couple. Think we may see a clear destination for Minteh by the end of the day. 

  9. 9 hours ago, Dr Jinx said:

    MGW would be a very expensive acquisition, probably having to pay over the odds. Just can’t see it while Willock is still part of the squad.


    MGW feels like this years Maddison (or Lingard going back further) in that it seems nailed on to the point where every assumes it will happen. Really don't see it myself. You'd think we'd have heard more about it by now. So it's either basically done, and has been for a while and we're just waiting on July (unlikely), or there's nothing in it. 

  10. To be honest, I wouldn't be completely shocked if the kid backs himself, signs the new contract for another season at Palace in hopes of a CL team being in for him next Summer. The presence of another release clause means, assuming he has another strong season, he will have plenty sides in for him next Summer as well.

  11. 23 minutes ago, Thumbheed said:

    I'm gonna take Ornstien's word as fact and assume that if we think we could be in the running for a £60m player in Olise, then our finances aren't as bad as people beleive them to be. 



    Realistically whoever does that deal I don't see it being done till July at this point anyway. At which point, however fucked or not fucked we are for PSR this year, will be a new year. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, gdm said:

    sorry like but compared to 95 and even compared to the Puma version that’s pretty shite


    Maybe an unopopular opinion, but the more time that passes the more I start to think the Puma one may have topped the original. 

  13. Does speak volumes that, out of all these grifters, Barton was the only one thick enough to back himself into a legal Twitter apology. Can't recall even Laurence Fox having to do that, and he's about as bright as Winter in Alaska. 

  14. 6 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:



    Always thought this would be the way teams would try to play it. Try and unsettle him so he actively pushes leave, which then leads to a better negotiating position for said team. Fortunately (please god) Bruno doesn't seem to the type who agitates. All the noises from his camp have been very "I'm happy to stay, if the release clause is activated then who knows."


    Do think this likely means there is either a lower release clause in the deal for next Summer if we don't get CL. Or some form of verbal agreement that we won't stand in his way if we're not in CL and reasonable bid comes in. 

  15. 13 minutes ago, southernmag said:

    Rumours that Bayern could be willing to offload De Ligt and/or Upamecano with the signings of Jonathan Tah (pending) and the Japanese bloke from Stuttgart.


    Unsure what they'd cost but both players barely mid 20s so they fit the age profile at least. Thoughts?


    Like both, but anyone coming in from those big European sides likely have wages beyond our structure.

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