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Posts posted by sushimonster85

  1. 6 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:



    Always thought this would be the way teams would try to play it. Try and unsettle him so he actively pushes leave, which then leads to a better negotiating position for said team. Fortunately (please god) Bruno doesn't seem to the type who agitates. All the noises from his camp have been very "I'm happy to stay, if the release clause is activated then who knows."


    Do think this likely means there is either a lower release clause in the deal for next Summer if we don't get CL. Or some form of verbal agreement that we won't stand in his way if we're not in CL and reasonable bid comes in. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, southernmag said:

    Rumours that Bayern could be willing to offload De Ligt and/or Upamecano with the signings of Jonathan Tah (pending) and the Japanese bloke from Stuttgart.


    Unsure what they'd cost but both players barely mid 20s so they fit the age profile at least. Thoughts?


    Like both, but anyone coming in from those big European sides likely have wages beyond our structure.

  3. 2 minutes ago, mosstef said:

    We have been linked with Ferran Torres before, right?


    Every window since the takeover, never happens. Never gets stood up by anyone outside of Spain. It's all Barca trying to flog people. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, The College Dropout said:

    He doesn't seem much of a passer. He's getting on the ball, taking on his man and getting himself into dangerous positions. That might be too heltah skelter for Eddie rn. He seems to work pretty hard too.


    These were my general thoughts from what little I had seen of him last season. Could be a huge difference maker off the bench, but not sure about his tactical discipline yet. 

  5. 17 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

    Hart was a far better goalie than Dubravka ever has been .


    At both their peaks for sure. Hart hasn't really been close to the Dubravka/PL standard for years now. It's why no PL team wanted him. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, Geogaddi said:

    Great move for everyone apart from Celtic .


    I don't know, like. Their fans thought Joe Hart was a god. Imagine Dubravka will blow their minds. Such an odd league. Genuinely historical big sides in Celtic, Rangers, even the likes of Aberdeen, but quality wise it's truly Championship level.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Superior Acuña said:


    I thought I recall us being linked more towards the end of his career, under Bobby. 


    Aye. Whether any of them were actually ever close to happening is another matter, but we seemed to trying to turn ourselves into a bit of dad's army for a Summer or two. Remember being linked with Del Piero, Rivaldo, and Pep all within a couple Summers.


    Up until I saw this today I always thought it was only ever Pep that had an actual chance of happening. I believe he has since said it was pretty close at one point.

  8. 45 minutes ago, STM said:

    Also, medicals haven't been "booked" in about 20 years. We do everything ourselves now.


    It's up there with "player is looking at houses up here."


    Most don't do anything like that till they're actually signed, and are usually living in accommodation sorted by the club for the first few months. I think Joelinton was in fancy suite in the Hilton for over 6 months.

  9. I think we should ideally know what Anderson's actual position is before we sell him. Because it's been two (stop start) seasons now and I'm still not sure what his actual natural/best position actually is. 

  10. 1 minute ago, gdm said:

    in all honesty it’s a terrible penalty. I think he’ll be a good signing tho. Not as exciting as the Georgian lad but he’s young and will improve 


    It's the save of the rebound that makes it impressive. He is up immediately and ready for the rebound. If the second rebound was on target he was up and ready for that as well. Don't get me wrong, I think it's daft to judge a player in one moment in a game, but I'm happy to do it because I also reckon it's daft to judge a 20/21 year old keeper playing part of the season for one of the worst sides in the league where he is getting 0 help.

  11. I actually think Trafford makes sense. Come in as a 2 with the idea being to develop him into number 1 over time. I imagine people would have felt differently about the move if we signed him post U21 Euros heroics. 

  12. 16 hours ago, huss9 said:

    roberto martinez? how, just how?

    he's to international football management what jermaine jenas is football presenting.


    firstly gets one of the greatest group of european players for a long time in belgium. does nowt with them and now gets a very decent portugal squad.


    These international jobs almost seem to carry a separate reputational ranking that seems completely untethered to league football. Like, does anyone think Martinez could get a high profile jobs in any of the top 4 leagues in Europe? 


    Wouldn't shock me to see Southgate end up with something daft like the Belgium job. 

  13. 19 minutes ago, Sibierski said:

    There’s pace, then there’s silly pace which Adeyemi has. 


    Silly pace is just as useless as pace if there's no consistent end product. 

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