Fuck the lot of them. They’re not bothered about anything we do or say or who we buy or who’s injured etc etc but they’ll post endlessly about it all on ready to groom. So if/when we do win something I take it they’ll not be bothered at all while we party non stop…cos ‘it doesn’t really count marra’ but they’ll waste loads of nervous energy by battering ‘FTM’ out at every opportunity and be utterly outraged by something they really couldn’t give a flying fuck about. I wouldn’t even debate it with them, a simple fuck off would suffice.
His strengths are against teams who come at us, when teams sit back (which is a sign of how far we’ve came, most of them now) he struggles, like I say though, unplayable on his day, I’m sure it’s a problem Eddie likes to have.
Maxi doesn’t fit into the team ethics imo …could be his temperament, could be how often he loses possession, aye a match winner on his day but I just think he doesn’t fit in with Eddies idea at the minute anyway …just my opinion
I see we time wasted our way to a win according to them stupid cunts …whichever comfort blanket fits your narrative tonight, in between battering ‘FTM’ at every opportunity you sad mackem bastards
Ive not looked but is it along the lines of …lucky mag bastards…Chelsea are shit…we’ve never played anyone yet…murdering camel humpers shagged the ref…murdered Potters kids….threw Sterling off a building? Saudi paid off the Chelsea players?