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John tolan

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Everything posted by John tolan

  1. Great crak this internet lark, has exile picked up on me name yet the pathetic little worm?
  2. I've got the looks mind ????
  3. A heard that her 3rd album was based around massive lads fans in annfield plain like
  4. That's me mother's crak blew to bits, held onto that for over 40 years she has??? lying cunt
  5. This will tip them over the edge, only Dave Stewart left
  6. Am in Washington now pal, kick the fuckin bins every morning ? Sunderland city council my arse. Christ it's like bandit country seeing red n white trakky bottoms , got to rub me eyes
  7. Me mother reckons she went to school with Bryan ferry in Benton , brings it up every time Roxy come on ? point is Tommy lad they'll do owt to claim someone as there own. Apart from the ripper like ??
  8. Sunderland metropolitan area is bigger than Newcastle though , Micky gray told me a thousand times on talk sport. But erm Newcastle has a bigger catchment area so they get bigger crowds . Which one is it gimps? Wanna hire a helicopter and look from the air? " That's Tyneside" what's that over there? " Biggest shipbuilding TOWN in the world, Kate adie, Bryan ferry, wearside jack blah blah blah"
  9. A wasn't born in Sunderland but have always considered meself a daft cunt, does this count?
  10. Last night "all results are going against us" they weren't looking at teams around the play offs. Reality hitting home
  11. True story this, and I still work with the same lad now 35 years later. Tyne tees news every Monday would show the weekends goals. Anyway we were away makems at home . Showed the coverage from roker park and Tyne tees used the audio from at James for atmosphere. Me pal picked up on it and sent a letter , he got a reply off Tyne tees saying Christ you must have good hearing as you're right we did use the audio from at James to add atmosphere!! True story still have a laugh about it now . Should just let it go but nowt better in life than a bit makem baiting?they're just piss in the wind at everything
  12. Just wish I was working with the buggers ATM . may 1990 , working with makems . Shearer pen,working with makems. 2013-15 working with makems. Like a few have said don't let the fuckers off the hook this time.
  13. Nah that was us tipped over the edge by six in a row pal, you laughed at us when we went down.............?
  14. When's the DVD out? Can lie under their 6 in a row quilt resting on a 6 in a row pillow drinking bass out of a 6 in a row mug , mugs
  15. One good thing about that, another great advert for the premier League. We are now part of this, can't believe I'm watching other other games on a Sunday afternoon again and the result affects my team AT THE TOP!!
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