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John tolan

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Everything posted by John tolan

  1. The clipper! Ye were posh if you got the clipper to away games a remember, magpie travel or them Armstrong galley buses with piss stinking seats was my limit?
  2. Aye a noticed that, now he's got a following judging by tonight's comments. A few now claiming they would of been gutted if we had of won something 2/3 year ago but now it doesn't matter as it's all blood money. I'll be honest if roles were reversed I'd be fuckin devastated they were in our position . They can't even type a 30 word message without contradicting themselves or letting the mask slip, it's fuckin embarrassing that grown blokes can't just admit they're gutted that we're doing well.
  3. That'll be that soft shite roker makem your talking about. Had a nervous breakdown at half time when our kids were drawing 0-0 against their 1st team, his mask drops all the time in match threads. Tit
  4. U21s got mullered 4-0 off Bristol city a see. R whey just have to go shopping instead in January
  5. Cold turkey for 43 days, I'm struggling to get through 5 ATM waiting for me NUFC fix.
  6. News just came on the radio there, apparently Chelsea lost 1-0 at Newcastle nowt changes fuck them all
  7. They're fucked Mr castle, apparently as humans we only use 20% odd of our brain . They've used up that 20% alone in the last calender month ????
  8. Rubberface is a mobile waving wannabe on matchday like
  9. Fair play to arsenal mind,for 50 odd minutes In that game I was in the 90s again got the fucker on absolute now some shite dance tune you thought was written for you back in the day ? get that fuckin flag draped over the car park opposite the Percy NOW!!!
  10. Just borst oot laughing?? fair play Whitley mag , a lived Cambridge avenue for a few year was like a nuthouse after me divorce , a called it me comeback tour??
  11. Any hiding they get is a victory for every football fan
  12. Drag the fuckers to where the farmers used to be and remind them of 1986..… if you can get them off the mobiles, coward cockney shithouse twats, anyway am loving everyone tonight arsenal 2-0 Alan Smith just shot his nutcustard
  13. Decided a love everyone tonight apart from the frozen faced fucker a go to bed with ?? bless her she's from Houghton
  14. 1-0 up with 10 minutes left against Chelsea,didn't feel any nerves. Honestly can't believe what's going on. Me sons 20 and I've told him to get back out on the piss cos this is the best times,reminds me of that first season back in the premier league
  15. On the ale anyone got a cowie??? haven't felt like this for years
  16. Watching arsenal top of the league hoping they don't win fucks going on ?
  17. Trippier played for the ghengas khan 11 in a past life
  18. 45 to go, can see it stepping up in the final 3rd changes tiredness etc
  19. Class pal !! Ironically about a poor old fella who had to sell his medals, respect ??
  20. Claiming best poppy display now . Le tristessa Durera, roughly translated' the sadness will go on forever'. Sad fuckin bastards . .
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