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The Fountain

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Posts posted by The Fountain

  1. 4 hours ago, STM said:

    I think the Dubravka saga is over. He's probably content knowing he will be at a CL club and will likely play alot of cup games. He's one Pope injury away from playing against Real Madrid etc in the Bernabeu.


    The fact we are letting Darlow leave tells us that Dubravka is staying.

    I genuinely believe we have the best 2nd choice keeper in the league.

  2. 12 hours ago, TheBrownBottle said:



    Funny thing is that it’s literally not true.  I would have thought that would be someone like Alan Kennedy - who of course played for both clubs (and a Mackem by birth).  Scored the winning goal in two European Cup finals (albeit one in a shootout) - not bad for a left back. 

    Or Ray Kennedy 

  3. 8 hours ago, Facundo Ferreyra said:


    Watch out lads. We're dealing with a double hard psycho nutcase bastard here. 

    That stare would kill 20 mags per minute. Stay safe out there lads.

  4. 3 hours ago, Wolfcastle said:

    and just to cover every possible base, they don't want the 'turn coat' types supporting them anyway and its better with just 30,000 loyal fans yet if they were to get bigger gates that shows how massive they are.



    I don't know one person who has switched aligence from one side to the other.

  5. 2 hours ago, madras said:

    The rule is......


    More SAFC shirts than NUFC.... Proves they have more real fans.


    More NUFC shirts than SAFC....

    Pathetic man, grown blokes in football tops when there's no match.

    Their maths is shit.

    They have as many fans as us.

    A bigger percentage of their fans go to games.?

  6. 7 hours ago, Sima said:

    No.  Not even sure what pub he would be lying about being “Irish themed” if he has arrived at Central.




    Victoria Comet used to be O'Neils. Away fans usually go there.

  7. 39 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    I see another fan in peace (Ipswich) starting a thread saying how much more he prefers going to Sunderland than Newcastle. So predictable man [emoji38]

    That's why whenever a team plays the Mackems at the weekend there is loads of the team's away fans in Newcastle.?

  8. On 17/06/2023 at 08:13, Caleb70 said:

    Yeah, I agree. It’s a gamble by Leicester.  I’m thinking John Carver, Mike Phelan, Schteeve McClaren being those that couldn’t step up. I can only think of Mourinho, Bob Paisley (I think he was even a Physio at one stage) and maybe Arteta that have done well. There are probably others (my memory fails me).

    Richard Dinnis;D

  9. On 15/06/2023 at 14:30, TRon said:


    If I was a Celtic fan I wouldn't be thrilled at the prospect of him coming back. You just know any if any half decent Premier side comes in he'll jump ship again.

    He'll only jump ship if Celtic win titles.

  10. On 16/06/2023 at 00:52, Beth said:

    Apart from Jak Alnwick (shudder) has any number 3 or 4 keeper played a run of games for us due to injuries?

    Not a run of games but Karius played in the League Cup final.

  11. 22 minutes ago, brummie said:

    I trust Emery.


    I saw him take McGinn from a shambling mess to a dynamic, all over the pitch midfielder inside ten games. I've seen him bring out the best in almost our entire squad. The talent is there, he'll sort it.

    He's like Howe, turned underperforming players under a shite previous managers into the players they should be. 

    Seven teams could be fighting for the top 5 next season. Eight is Spurs keep Kane.

  12. 8 hours ago, TeddySAFC said:

    Agreed but he essentially he turned the tap off as soon as we went down and pocketed all player sales, Giving Grayson absolutely zero money to work with which is why we plundered again.


    Conversation for another day about Short, his heart was in the right place he just didn't have a clue about building a foundation at the club. It turned sour when we dropped into the Championship purely because he just gave up and watched the club implode. 

    But he wore a FTM badge so was loved by the fans ?

  13. 20 hours ago, Chicken Dancer said:

    Apologies if there’s any spelling mistakes in this post coz I’m fucked but I’m currently in benidorm with about 20 lads, 2 mackems, and one of them has literally just told me - serious as aids - that he’d rather have Ross Stewart ahead of wilson. Like literally serious as fuck. To the point he was annoyed 

    Tell him if offered, Stewart would jump at the chance to swap with Wilson but Wilson wouldn't swap with Stewart in a million years.

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