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The Fountain

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Everything posted by The Fountain

  1. Remember when we appointed Howe and they said he wouldn't last 5 minutes? This bloke is the 6th manager they've had in this time.🤣
  2. Simon Grayson gonna be the India manager. That's another one ruled out🤣🤣
  3. Lampard in the BBC studio. They'll have to wait till he gets back
  4. I've got to 54 without anyone attacking me because I'm a gravy stained mag. I must be one of the lucky ones
  5. So they're bigging up Bruce? Someone who if was given their managers job they'd be hell on.
  6. Steve Clarke might be available soon.🤣
  7. Wonder why he's looking up backwards European teams. The extra knowledge he'll acquire won't have any practical value
  8. Ekwah, the bloke who Miggy dispossessed to set up the second goal if worth £10m apparently
  9. Out of order, it's an England game FFS. Leave club stuff out of it
  10. Mackems on ch 4 now Football cops. Causing bother at Coventry.
  11. Norwich appointing a manager after only two weeks isn't go down too well.
  12. He played more games for Bradford
  13. TBF Man Utd beating Man City was Sunderland's best result of the season.
  14. Played probably demanded it
  15. If McKenna leaves Ipswich, it's brings back Arthur Cox leaving us memories. Definitely took a bit of the shine off promotion.
  16. Hopefully scouts from other clubs get on here and believe you.
  17. They're sniffing round Isak the same way I'm sniffing round a house at Darras Hall. We both can't afford it.
  18. Genuinely wouldn't be swap him for any other striker in the league
  19. Blokes like Radcliffe have no shame.
  20. A few loons are suggesting that the upcoming England game at SJP is down to Saudi bribery. A few sensible ones have pointed out that Riverside and SOL have also hosted England games but it's falling on deaf ears.
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