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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. Lacks ambition. Happy to play for tin pot club. Happy to accept blood money. Happy to play for Beheadie Howe etc...
  2. Just over 5 more hours to go...
  3. You are correct r0cafella. 50% paycut is indeed half! 🤣
  4. Yeah but unlike Scotland, we'll get through our group.
  5. So he's stayed at his two previous clubs for 2 years, and time spent with us is 2 years... Worrying...
  6. Joe1984

    Yankuba Minteh

    Crocked more likely than cooking when it comes to DCL!
  7. Own goal. We've had a few games without one so we're due.
  8. Jenas forgetting the ref has shown a yellow already.
  9. Depending on the shirt number, there could also be a massive cock IN the shirt...
  10. Both teams looking up for this. Good match so far.
  11. Yeah but despite all that he's 'play acting'.
  12. So Eddie hasn't been a success? After all he's won nothing.
  13. Italy playing dirty. Is anyone surprised?
  14. Not fancied to win the euros by the experts. Yet England are...
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