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Everything posted by Joe1984

  1. Joe1984

    Miguel Almirón

    The hate he gets from some fans! It's like Perez all over again. ?
  2. Maybe someone in Middlesborough was headed to London that day anyway! ?
  3. Boro getting thrashed. Could end up embarrassing at this rate.
  4. Joe1984

    Alfie Harrison

    Yeah, like Hall...
  5. On the plus side, it will force Howe and the squad to mix it up. We've become too reliant on Trippier alone. And too predictable as a result.
  6. Broken leg. Again. Edit: or ACL. ?
  7. Well it's okay. Tonali can hit a free kick. Oh... It'll be okay next season? ?
  8. Might as well do it! It's gonna take that long anyway. Sad truth is I'm only half joking!
  9. Read a football365 article saying he should go to Newcastle. Then said it would be bad for Newcastle but good to see Jose in the League again. ?
  10. Give your heads a shake we are not getting relegated! FFS.
  11. Do you work for football365 by any chance? ?
  12. Joe1984

    Anthony Gordon

    I swear to god if this happens jack...
  13. Joe1984


    Well look, there are plenty of pot bellied men out there. I can't hit up all the Greggs in Newcastle as I'm a family man you know. Gotta make time for the family, because I'm a family man. A family man. Can I get three Greggs to go, please.
  14. The first time he was one on one. Whole goal to aim at so he hits it straight at the keeper!
  15. Hopefully all that's been used up now...
  16. Standard Bruno that. Should know it by now.
  17. Levelling the flaying field!? Jesus! ?
  18. Or Fuck Fair Play. Take your pick really...
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