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The whole issue is with the membership scheme. It would be better with the old first come first served method. issue with that is you then had people complain that they couldn’t buy tickets as they went on sale when they were at work. So they changed it (not certain but think this was a suggestion from NUST) the club simply can’t keep everybody happy. Last time some season ticket holders got shafted by sitting with mates in earlier rounds when you could select seats. This time around their being shafted if the legit forwarded a ticket on to swap seats thinking it was being done properly this time. My issue is the constant moaning on here that season ticket holders are treated better than members…….. And members need same rites to finals etc. that’s crazy talk. Yes some people go to every games - great, but most members are lucky to get to 3 so you can’t make a few more important than the rest simply because they can have the time and means to log on with a load of devices on different browsers. The cup scheme should have ended all talk of who gets priority access. If anything it’s made it worse. what everybody should be angry at is the amount of corporate tickets that are given out. If the new stadium is big enough just get rid of season tickets and loyalty points and have everyone pay as you go on first come first served.
No it doesn't. You sound like a brain dead moron with no concept of how business, marketing, and clearly,.......how loyalty work's. You only want members to get the same benefits as season ticket holders get because your not one (season ticket holder). If you were one of the many season ticket holders not getting to the final you'd bitch and moan and moan the exact opposite of what your currently doing now, you selfish prick. Some people have always worked night shifts, worked abroad, live miles away from home and struggled to get to every midweek game. Guess what? final is on a weekend. Season ticket holders have always had their tickets sold to them on the grounds of they'd get priority for own seats for cup matches. Members had their tickets sold to them on the basis of allows you to enter a ballot. Loyalty points for members?????? give your fucking head a wobble man. Tens of thousands of people in front of you can't build loyalty points who suffered the Ashley years coz we'd seen it before and couldn't face the embarrassment of singing "we're the loyalist football supporters, the world has ever had" knowing we'd jacked it in when the times got a bit rough from one fat twat. FWIW - You achieved absolutely fuck all by doing it, other than looking like a complete melt on a football forum when you don't get your own way. Crying and bitching and moaning that its unfair coz you know how to slightly buck the system in your favour. The fact you had plenty of time knowing the takeover was coming (it would take a special yellow bus passenger to not realise it) yet didn't buy a new season ticket in the mean time knowing full well what happened in the 90's shows you up for the complete fanny you are. Your membership grants you the square root of fuck all. It allows you to enter a ballot for a ticket. End of. Just because you sit there with several devices and several browsers open to buy resale tickets make's you no different to those that can't do that and maybe get 3 or 4 tickets a year if their lucky. I put you in the exact same bracket of fan as that silly cow charlotte from True Faith. "look at me, I went to the game, took an instagram pic and announced it to the world" Your treated as a second class fan fo the final for a reason.......... You were either late to the party, You never got an invite, or You're a Johnny come lately. Fact you never seen what was coming suggests the latter. Little bit of advice, it's people like you that will stop the club from selling season tickets in a new 80k stadium. Why have the grief and bother of having even more fans thinking they're entitled to final tickets? When johnny knob end with a £40 membership has thrown up hundreds of complaints because he doesn't get his own way? Lots of love from a season ticket holder that's attended every single cup game (because I'm lucky enough)
Swiss ramble and borstein had us passing psr with no issues in Feb. This is just ITK for geeky virgins quite frankly.
I know exactly how it works, hence why I mentioned the contract extensions. The big elephant in the room here is you clearly don’t include allowable adjustments in any of your findings that I’ve read so far which could be huge. Last season gone a big profit was required. We simply don’t know how big that profit was yet. I suspect they’ve gone for as big a profit as possible to allow further wiggle room with the next couple of years in mind, but like your doing, that is guess work on my part as accounts aren’t out yet.
Nope, seen absolutely fuck all from the kid. That Geordie maradonna song was mind numbingly cringeworthy.
For a start amortisation drops off on a number of players. This is how it works. You can look at Burn, Trippier, Wood and ASM off previous accounts in addition to lower amounts for players that signed new contracts such as Miggy etc. The c£300m doesn’t include adidas other than perhaps 1 month and some commission. I honestly think the amount we were short by for FFP has been over played. If anything someone’s thought we banked the adidas money up front on the accounts for year 1 of the deal then realised the fuck up. I’m looking at Dan the gardening man here. Or Staveley.
And dropped off a £70m loss year and brought on board a £40m a year sponsor plus whatever the hell the fan zone is about to earn
Tea towels again for one weekend only
It was the entire season he played like he had 2 broken feet and was a complete coward. Very good at trying to look busy but in reality was a complete bottle job. Didn’t tackle, ran but rarely pressed, couldn’t read simple interceptions, couldn’t see passes, couldn’t shoot for shit, wouldn’t tackle, and always looked like he was going to cry. he had a cracking season the year before but that is now 12 months of being shit. previous time he was any good was when Rafa was here. Lads a confidence player and 12 months of shitness is not the place to look for it in Newcastle when it’s not your first rodeo at shitness.
It’s all from Anfield wrap, paisley gates, knob end cafe and the likes. Not one source from anyone with even a shit reputation let alone decent one. Sun should print a story regarding this and sales would boom again there, thirsty cunts
Now there’s a shout. Can’t remember who against but only man I’ve witnessed who’s managed to head a ball from a half yard out, off the ground and over the bar with a free net to
Exact same problem as me mate. Sat in Salou whilst typing this. I normally post on another forum and we have a good group and a lot of us out together in the earl on the Saturday. More than welcome to tag along with us if your wanting age ranges are from 40’s to 60’s and all good lads.
Please let it be John Barnes