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NUFC missing a Right Winger

Guest SLK

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People have been talking about playing 442 system but it seems to me that we don't have the genuine Right Winger players to play in that position...Ok Milner can play there but as I said in the Milner thread, he is not fast enough and the most effective wingers are the one with pace plus skill and technique of course...


Solano is gone who was our genuine RW for years...I never considered Dyer as an effective winger...So who would you like to have as a RW realistically (i.e. you would expect him to be happy to join us) ?

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Personally i think Milner can do a job there, a few seasons back i was saying i'd prefer Ambrose over Milner but he has proven be wrong, hes matured a lot in a few seasons and theres more to come from him, SA is the right man to take him forward.

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We need a right winger who can take us to the next step, someone like Zoggie but on the right side...Milner is NOT the one...


N'Zogbia has had a couple of decent games this season, was god awful last season and now Milner is not good enough despite the fact he has been played on the left this season so far and looked ok.


Jesus wept.



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Guest elbee909

Too many stupids think that if you aren't Linford Christie in terms of pace that you can't do a job on the wing.  It's not like Milner is a bloody snail FFS.  Dyer was practically a Zoggy of the right wing and he was shite at the job of being a winger.

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Too many stupids think that if you aren't Linford Christie in terms of pace that you can't do a job on the wing.  It's not like Milner is a bloody snail FFS.  Dyer was practically a Zoggy of the right wing and he was shite at the job of being a winger.


More like to many stupids who think that pace isn't important for a winger in the modern game, pointing to only Beckham and Solano as examples even though both were technically superior than Milner will ever be.


Pace is important, it's why the likes of Lennon and Young are in the England set up and Milner isn't anywhere near.


If we're going to play 4-4-2 then Milner is one of the first players we should be looking to improve on.

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Too many stupids think that if you aren't Linford Christie in terms of pace that you can't do a job on the wing.  It's not like Milner is a bloody snail FFS.  Dyer was practically a Zoggy of the right wing and he was s**** at the job of being a winger.


More like to many stupids who think that pace isn't important for a winger in the modern game, pointing to only Beckham and Solano as examples even though both were technically superior than Milner will ever be.


Pace is important, it's why the likes of Lennon and Young are in the England set up and Milner isn't anywhere near.


If we're going to play 4-4-2 then Milner is one of the first players we should be looking to improve on.


Beckham and Joe Cole are no good then?

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If we're going to play 4-4-2 then Milner is one of the first players we should be looking to improve on.


If we are going to go down that route, then at least let Milner have a crack at playing on the RW all season.  I bet you he will put in another decent season for this club.

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Too many stupids think that if you aren't Linford Christie in terms of pace that you can't do a job on the wing.  It's not like Milner is a bloody snail FFS.  Dyer was practically a Zoggy of the right wing and he was s**** at the job of being a winger.


More like to many stupids who think that pace isn't important for a winger in the modern game, pointing to only Beckham and Solano as examples even though both were technically superior than Milner will ever be.


Pace is important, it's why the likes of Lennon and Young are in the England set up and Milner isn't anywhere near.


If we're going to play 4-4-2 then Milner is one of the first players we should be looking to improve on.


Beckham and Joe Cole are no good then?


Have another read of what I've said about Beckham, as for Joe Cole he isn't a winger anyway but he's alot faster than Milner and yes, he's technically superior than Milner will ever be too, he's an excellent footballer.

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If we're going to play 4-4-2 then Milner is one of the first players we should be looking to improve on.


If we are going to go down that route, then at least let Milner have a crack at playing on the RW all season.  I bet you he will put in another decent season for this club.


I don't need to give him a another crack at right wing to see what he's about, he was one of our best players last season but that's down to everyone else being shite than Milner being some sort of awsome player, Butt was one of our best players too yet we've already gone about replacing him with a better player in Faye.


He's your typical mid table winger and if we want to improve we should be looking at bringing in better than him, and it'll take more than the odd spectacular goal that gets his fan boys creaming in their pants to make me think differently.

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Martins currently plays on the right when playing 433, Milner and Duff can play there too as can Geremi. Unless players like Ronaldo/ Joe Cole/ Ronaldinho or some fantastic up and coming want to come and play for us i'm quite happy with what we currently have for the moment.


On the pitch Milner was our best player last year and keeps on geting better and he's only 21 or whatever!! He's got a great work ethic/attitude and two very good feet, he beats defenders with skill or sometimes pace (he's not as fast as the SWP's Lennons and Dyers of this world but he's hardly slow) as quick as say Joe Cole and quicker than the Beckhams and Waddle's who were fantastic too in their day.

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I don't need to give him a another crack at right wing to see what he's about, he was one of our best players last season but that's down to everyone else being s**** than Milner being some sort of awsome player, Butt was one of our best players too yet we've already gone about replacing him with a better player in Faye.


He's your typical mid table winger and if we want to improve we should be looking at bringing in better than him, and it'll take more than the odd spectacular goal that gets his fan boys creaming in their pants to make me think differently.


Milner is a good player.  Come back to me at the end of the season and tell me you would replace him.



Just out of curiosity, who would you replace him with in January?, if you were SA and you had a bit of cash to spend.


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Martins currently plays on the right when playing 433, Milner and Duff can play there too as can Geremi. Unless players like Ronaldo/ Joe Cole/ Ronaldinho or some fantastic up and coming want to come and play for us i'm quite happy with what we currently have for the moment.


On the pitch Milner was our best player last year and keeps on geting better and he's only 21 or whatever!! He's got a great work ethic/attitude and two very good feet, he beats defenders with skill or sometimes pace (he's not as fast as the SWP's Lennons and Dyers of this world but he's hardly slow) as quick as say Joe Cole and quicker than the Beckhams and Waddle's who were fantastic too in their day.


Again you haven't read what I've said properly, I've said if we're going to play 4-4-2 then we should be aiming for better, Martins can't play on the wing in that formations, Duff isn't good enough on the right and Geremi seems to have his place cemented in the centre, pointing to some of the best players in the World as possible replacements is pointless, we should be aiming to bring someone in like SWP who would offer us far more than Milner would.


I've already explained last season, when a team is shite the 100% stand out more which is what happened with Milner and Butt, the same happened the year before with Scott Parker who people rated because he gave his all, I've never came away from SJP thinking Milner had an excellent game, the same can't be said for the likes of Dyer who when on form was the difference between us being an average team and a good one, mainly because he's got bags of pace and can stretch teams using it.


And if you think Milner is as quick as Joe Cole then you really need to watch more football, Cole is on par for pace with Bentley and he's another player who's better technically than Milner will ever be.


Is it the same people who think Milner is going to be some sort of top player that think Taylor is the next John Terry?


Some of our lot need a reality check.

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I don't need to give him a another crack at right wing to see what he's about, he was one of our best players last season but that's down to everyone else being s**** than Milner being some sort of awsome player, Butt was one of our best players too yet we've already gone about replacing him with a better player in Faye.


He's your typical mid table winger and if we want to improve we should be looking at bringing in better than him, and it'll take more than the odd spectacular goal that gets his fan boys creaming in their pants to make me think differently.


Milner is a good player.  Come back to me at the end of the season and tell me you would replace him.



Just out of curiosity, who would you replace him with in January?, if you were SA and you had a bit of cash to spend.



Come back and tell you at the end of the season? :lol:


SWP is a realistic target who is not only the better individual but also offers far more to the team than Milner.

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