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Allardyce simply isn't brave enough and is too obsessed with his platform.


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If there's two 'statements' made by contributors of footballing threads that really annoy me after watching such an atrocious and totally inept display by a Newcastle United team then these are them:


1) Folks that think that honest opinion displaying anger, disgust, dumbfoundedness, disillusionment, bewilderment, etc having witnessed such a pathetic display is construed as being a 'knee-jerk reaction'.  Knee-jerk is over-used on this forum by far and seemingly by people who ca not see what is in front of their eyes.


2) Folks that think that it's 'early days'/'give them a chance'/'they need to gel' (type of statement).  I find it incredible that people state these as reasons for ineptness on the field. Folks that think 'look, it's only our first defeat of the season'.  Against a rock bottom sack of sh*t that we SHOULD be beating.


It's pointless naming these folks but what is seen on this forum time and time again is a blinkered approach by some who are able to, time and time again, find excuses for utter sh*te.


How much more time do we want to give to managers of NUFC?  Most have been given time and most fail.  What you see is what you get I believe and Allardyce is no exception.  His brand of football at this moment in time is f*cking garbage.  It need to change and fast.  Hoardes of backroom staff and the very best methods to get the best out of the players? Not what I have seen in any game. I see the odd individual performance as being good.  By the time this lot gel the season will be over.  Knee-jerk my arse. Give em' more time? Time for what?  Wake up and smell the coffee.



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If there's two 'statements' made by contributors of footballing threads that really annoy me after watching such an atrocious and totally inept display by a Newcastle United team then these are them:


1) Folks that think that honest opinion displaying anger, disgust, dumbfoundedness, disillusionment, bewilderment, etc having witnessed such a pathetic display is construed as being a 'knee-jerk reaction'.  Knee-jerk is over-used on this forum by far and seemingly by people who ca not see what is in front of their eyes.


2) Folks that think that it's 'early days'/'give them a chance'/'they need to gel' (type of statement).  I find it incredible that people state these as reasons for ineptness on the field. Folks that think 'look, it's only our first defeat of the season'.  Against a rock bottom sack of sh*t that we SHOULD be beating.


It's pointless naming these folks but what is seen on this forum time and time again is a blinkered approach by some who are able to, time and time again, find excuses for utter sh*te.


How much more time do we want to give to managers of NUFC?  Most have been given time and most fail.  What you see is what you get I believe and Allardyce is no exception.  His brand of football at this moment in time is f*cking garbage.  It need to change and fast.  Hoardes of backroom staff and the very best methods to get the best out of the players? Not what I have seen in any game. I see the odd individual performance as being good.  By the time this lot gel the season will be over.  Knee-jerk my arse. Give em' more time? Time for what?  Wake up and smell the coffee.




Dont think anyone has disagreed that they were sh*te, but your talking out your arse.


Players/Teams/Managers need time thats a fact.  Keegan days are over.....


Wake up and smell the coffee.



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He needs to have the balls to change his foramation and tatics. No doubt in my mind we would of won yesterday if we played 4-4-2 with actual wingers.


We f****** did play 442. Fine, Milner was on the left and Smith was on the right, but we still played 442. How else could allardyce have set up the midfield, bearing in mind Zog had to play left back in the absence  of Enrique.

Geremi and A. Smith should have swapped positions....


Geremi      Smith    Butt      Milner

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How much more time do we want to give to managers of NUFC?


I'd like to think, no matter how pissed off we are we could see that losing one game, albeit in a very ugly way, should not constitute a manager's notice.


It was absolute pants and even Stevie Wonder could see its going to take some probing midfield balls through to the strikers.  They get no opportunity, and whilst most are prolific (Sit down Shola) they are not chance makers.  On paper, we have a tremendous strikeforce and at least one striker completely wasted wide right.


Kneejerk is fine, especially when they've all talked the talk so long but come on - its NUFC we are talking about. You could have won good money backing Derby to win by a goal from Miller.  It was all in the script.

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I'd agree that Allardyce was a bit too conservative last night. He seems to be very protective of his new players, but Beye should have played last night rather than stick a centre back out wide.


I also think there's a case for playing Rozenhal is midfield, because he's quicker and more creative than either Geremi or Butt. Allardyce probably wanted to stick with the side that had served him well so far, and you can understand that.


He'll have learned some lessons from last night, and it's way too early to judge him.


Not judging him, just pulling him up for a very bad day at the office.

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If there's two 'statements' made by contributors of footballing threads that really annoy me after watching such an atrocious and totally inept display by a Newcastle United team then these are them:


1) Folks that think that honest opinion displaying anger, disgust, dumbfoundedness, disillusionment, bewilderment, etc having witnessed such a pathetic display is construed as being a 'knee-jerk reaction'.  Knee-jerk is over-used on this forum by far and seemingly by people who ca not see what is in front of their eyes.


2) Folks that think that it's 'early days'/'give them a chance'/'they need to gel' (type of statement).  I find it incredible that people state these as reasons for ineptness on the field. Folks that think 'look, it's only our first defeat of the season'.  Against a rock bottom sack of sh*t that we SHOULD be beating.


It's pointless naming these folks but what is seen on this forum time and time again is a blinkered approach by some who are able to, time and time again, find excuses for utter sh*te.


How much more time do we want to give to managers of NUFC?  Most have been given time and most fail.  What you see is what you get I believe and Allardyce is no exception.   His brand of football at this moment in time is f*cking garbage.  It need to change and fast.  Hoardes of backroom staff and the very best methods to get the best out of the players? Not what I have seen in any game. I see the odd individual performance as being good.  By the time this lot gel the season will be over.  Knee-jerk my arse. Give em' more time? Time for what?  Wake up and smell the coffee.




Dont think anyone has disagreed that they were sh*te, but your talking out your arse.


Players/Teams/Managers need time thats a fact.  Keegan days are over.....


Wake up and smell the coffee.



Ok, let's give him time and I for one really want this chap too succeed.  What I have seen thus far leaves me wondering just how much time Allardyce requires against what he actually has.  Look, 5 games in and I am not convinced.  I don't want the bloke sacked but it's beyond me how more time is gonna help a bloke who's general tactics are so flawed from what I've witnessed so far.  It's not acceptable just because it is NUFC.  If time fixes what I witnessed last night AND in other games then I so hope I am wrong.

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One f****** loss. Jesus christ


The failings have been there in all the games this season bar 40min against Bolton and 10 man Wigan at home.


The failings of Alan Smith have been there in all those games too, it doesn't stop you being "N.O.'s OFFICIAL Alan Smith Supporter 07/08."




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That last night was as piss poor a performance as anything under Souness and Roeder.


2 of the back 4 playing out of position. £6m poured down the netty buying the totally average and anonymous Smith. Butt and Geremi creating absolute zero. Milner putting in honest graft but shackled.


Ameobi was FUCKING WOEFUL. Owen/Oba not even average.


Where the fuck is Enrique? Why the fuck was Beye on the bench? 3 of the most uninspiring substitutions that I've ever witnessed.


Long ball in evidence AGAIN last night.



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Guest johnson293

Unfortunately we are going to have to go through these games whilst the players/manager get used to each other. Im not happy about how s**** we played yesterday and its quite embarassing to lose to a team thats shipped 10 goals in 2 games but as was said right from the offset patience is needed and we cant be jumping on the players/managers backs as soon as something bad happens because it was inevitable.




First defeat of the season, addmitedly against a poor team, but some seem to tbe hitting the panic buttons!


We have a lot of new players, who are still getting to know each other - its only the 5th league game, and 6th overall this season (proper).


While the football isn't great, and the formation tactics still questionable (4-3-3 vs 4-4-2), It's still too early to be having a go at the manager, or the players.


Lets get Barton back, and a couple of the other new boys (Beye, Enrique) into the team and settled, and see how we do from there.


Just remember this time last season before going too overboard!

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Look man. 5 games in, 8 points and we've even been beaten by Citeh. We're creating next to nothing up front, we've got no proper striker to lead the line and a lineup that used to ooze goals has suddenly turned into the most boring team in the league.


It's obvious the manager doesn't know what he's doing. This whole rebuilding ideas a joke.


Ferguson out!


Oh, sorry, wrong forum

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I remember last season.


Take away the first half of the Bolton game and the quality of the football is just as bad this season. Then you realise how bad Bolton are.


I couldn't give a fuck about heart rate monitors and rectal temperatures when a player can't pass a ball or take a free kick.

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Ok, so the performance was terrible, i think everyone generally agrees that last night was tripe, however i cant beleive some of the comments that are being made on this board, how short are peoples memeories when they cant remeber some of the crap we've had over the past 2/3 years, it goes to show how fickle some ppl actually are, i think its pretty clear that are team isnt balanced well with no attacking midfield who can open defences up but we have so much talent and mathc winners who will be available soon, at this point of time, i believe that SA has done more good for this club than GS or GR had done, this is one bad performance but there is so much to come from this side, we have Emre, Duff, Barton to name but 3 players who are all capable of chainging hthe whole balance of the side. Be patient people, i can guarantuee we wont see a perfomrnace like this when we have a full squad, its gonna be interesting to see how things will pan out.

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Ok, so the performance was terrible, i think everyone generally agrees that last night was tripe, however i cant beleive some of the comments that are being made on this board, how short are peoples memeories when they cant remeber some of the crap we've had over the past 2/3 years, it goes to show how fickle some ppl actually are, i think its pretty clear that are team isnt balanced well with no attacking midfield who can open defences up but we have so much talent and mathc winners who will be available soon, at this point of time, i believe that SA has done more good for this club than GS or GR had done, this is one bad performance but there is so much to come from this side, we have Emre, Duff, Barton to name but 3 players who are all capable of chainging hthe whole balance of the side. Be patient people, i can guarantuee we wont see a perfomrnace like this when we have a full squad, its gonna be interesting to see how things will pan out.


Haven't we heard that PURE BULLSHIT for the last 2/3 seasons?

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The only player I see who can have an impact is Barton. The rest like emre and duff are hit and miss.


If enrique actually plays again this season, and frees up N'zpgbia to play like he did two years ago and not like last year, then perhaps it'll be an improvement. But at this time, we are no better than last season under roeder. And last night was not far off performances under souness

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Guest Knightrider

What happened to finishing above Arsenal? :lol:


That wasn't a Sam Allardyce performance, that was a Newcastle United performance and why myself and others in the prediction threads shied away from predicting a United victory.


Btw I hope the idiots from the Chronicle punters panel who predicted 5-0 and 3-0 wins are feeling rather silly today, fucking cretins.


Big Sam was appointed to eradicate the failures and ineptitude on the pitch that are synonymous with our club and have been for over a decade now and it will take a god damn lot longer than 6 games to get there, so stop your fucking whining you babies because the lads lost and didn't play well.


Err, that's what happens in football and that's what most certainly happens at Newcastle, or have you already forgotten Hereford, 5-1 at home to Birmingham last season and other all too frequent mishaps. However, I guarantee you we will not play as bad as that collectively again this season and that performances will improve and vastly so. And make no mistake about this: The manager will have not been happy with that performance as a team nor as individuals despite his comments to the media, and will be aiming to put that right. He is no Souness who actually did believe injuries were the problem and not his tactics, the players or any multitude of issues that can effect a football team and it's players.


The manager is doing the right thing, he's an experienced manager who built a foundation at Bolton from scratch, a successful one, and knows what needs to be done and in what order here at United for us to become a consistent and successful club and it has to start with the defence which is exactly what he's doing, via his signings, team lineup and tactics, even if it is at the cost of scoring and creating chances and even the odd loss.


And we all have to start buying into his way of thinking which is to reverse a decade's worth of "they can't defend" and "easy to beat" reputation that may as well be embroidered on the badge alongside the words "Newcastle United". This is no easy task and will take time.


He wants to create the same type of aura Bolton enjoyed so that teams see us as a tough nut to crack, a tough team to play against, a side that won't be easy to roll over. When he achieves that, which he will so long as pissy moaning fans don't panic and educate themselves up on this aspect of the plan that is to overhaul NUFC from top to bottom (which we all wanted, no?), then the goals and creativity will follow. Only we'll have the defence to back up the attack for once.


Of course, we can change our tactics and decide to focus on attack instead, and we'll score goals as a result. But these defeats away to your Derbies will still happen, only by bigger margins, and that defence we've been let down by time and time again (our real achilies heel), will still be liable to blow up on us.


The hardest challenge for any manager is finding the right balance, KK couldn't and nor could Sir Bobby. Greats like Fergie and Wenger still struggle with it from time to time and so does Benitez. The same applies with Allardyce and his Newcastle, we're looking for and needing that balance, like most teams. And it won't come in 6 games, so wake up to that fact. It will in time though and when it does we will be a formidable outfit. We may not always be as eye catching as we'd all like, but if we're picking up 3 points on a consistent basis and chalelnging for trophies, who bloody cares how it's achieved. We won't be as totally inept as we were under Souness and Roeder week in week out though and on that point, tactics never lost us the game last night, 11 piss poor performances did, while Derby you feel played to their max.


Stop fucking whinging people, we ARE heading in the right direction and start trusting a manager who in only a few months has done so much already and who let me remind you is vastly experienced and knows what he's doing. He hasn't even scratched the surface yet man and neither have Mort and Ashley.


The time for introspective meanderings on all things NUFC should come after 12 months and not 6 games.  :thup:

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HTT, You seem to forget that this was a team that had looked like schoolkids last week against Liverpool. A team that was widely tipped to be the worst in the premier league on their performances this season. A team that very few people could actually name three players. A team ......


........that took us to the cleaners in every department last night. Including tactically.


I wonder if Billy Davies is taking their heart rates today and analyzing their urine?

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5 league games into his NUFC managerial career.  You don't get long here, do you?


I'm disregarding everything Parky says cos he lives in Germany and doesn't go to games.  I encourage everyone else to join me. :razz:

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Not with performances like that against a team that might be lucky to win half a dozen games this season.


It was one game man.  Not the end of the world.  A bad day at the office.

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Guest Knightrider

HTT, You seem to forget that this was a team that had looked like schoolkids last week against Liverpool. A team that was widely tipped to be the worst in the premier league on their performances this season. A team that very few people could actually name three players. A team ......


........that took us to the cleaners in every department last night. Including tactically.


I wonder if Billy Davies is taking their heart rates today and analyzing their urine?


Football really is a funny old game.


It is one game. I expected that from Derby, the manager most certainly did, if only the players themselves did. And fans. 5-0? Some idiot in the Chronicle had the gaul to predict that scoreline. What a cretin. I actually expected a draw myself.


Anyway, lets face it we were woeful to a man and that's why we lost and they played like Real Madrid, not tactics or team lineup.


Like I said this was a Newcastle United performance and not a Big Sam one. Take the second ball for example, a lot of emphasis goes into this from the manager tactically, a lot of emphasis, but we weren't even challenging for them, either at their end or our own. That's the players' fault that and they are responsible for this level of performance and not the manager. He is now responsible for what happens next of course and I expect a much improved display against West Ham.


Mark my words, these performances will be few and far between from now on.

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Guest johnson293

HTT, You seem to forget that this was a team that had looked like schoolkids last week against Liverpool. A team that was widely tipped to be the worst in the premier league on their performances this season. A team that very few people could actually name three players. A team ......


........that took us to the cleaners in every department last night. Including tactically.


I wonder if Billy Davies is taking their heart rates today and analyzing their urine?


So just because Liverpool put 6 past them, at Anfield, that means every team including us should be putting goals past them, even at Pride Park????


At some point, Derby were gonna get a win, and work out how to put 11 men behind the ball, and stop people playing - its just unfortunate it happened last night, and we didn't show much creativity either anyway.


Yes, we played badly, which may or may not be partly down to the international break, and having players away - but regardless, I cannot believe so many people are getting at Allardyce already, after ONE defeat!


So much for giving the new management time, eh??!!!!


Probably many the same people who were screaming because Ashley wasn't spunking millions on over-priced/over-paid 'trophy' or Galactico' signings.



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Sorry I can't get down to your level of expectations where you don't expect us to score against a team that is looking like a certainty for relegation. Perhaps if I did I wouldn't be so pissed off today and I'd just accept it and go along with those who are happy with a tenth or twelfth place finish.

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