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Pick your Great Britain side


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Guest prestonj1989



Finnan  Ferdinand  Dunne     Bale


SWP            Gerrard             Mcfadden


        Keane Rooney Bellamy  




Subs: Koumas






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I've just seen a 15 year old make their debut in midfield as a sub for Crystal Palace - John Bostock. For his age, he looked brilliant. Deffo a name to look out for.


Seen quite a bit of him watching the England u16's/u17's.  Got a lot of natural ability but unfortunately, whenever I've seen him, he's always trying to take on the ridiculous shot or go past the 4th defender having gone past the first 3.  Hopefully he will grow out of that, probably needs to go to a bigger club where he can mix it with better quality players.


I'd put forward Dean Parrett and Danny Rose out of the Spurs Academy.  Both 15 and got a lot of talent and Parrett is maturing rapidly.  Even though he would still only be 16,it wouldn't surprise me at all if Parrett went on loan next season for extra experience.

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I've just seen a 15 year old make their debut in midfield as a sub for Crystal Palace - John Bostock. For his age, he looked brilliant. Deffo a name to look out for.


Seen quite a bit of him watching the England u16's/u17's.  Got a lot of natural ability but unfortunately, whenever I've seen him, he's always trying to take on the ridiculous shot or go past the 4th defender having gone past the first 3.  Hopefully he will grow out of that, probably needs to go to a bigger club where he can mix it with better quality players.


I'd put forward Dean Parrett and Danny Rose out of the Spurs Academy.  Both 15 and got a lot of talent and Parrett is maturing rapidly.  Even though he would still only be 16,it wouldn't surprise me at all if Parrett went on loan next season for extra experience.


Rose is 17.

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I've just seen a 15 year old make their debut in midfield as a sub for Crystal Palace - John Bostock. For his age, he looked brilliant. Deffo a name to look out for.


Seen quite a bit of him watching the England u16's/u17's.  Got a lot of natural ability but unfortunately, whenever I've seen him, he's always trying to take on the ridiculous shot or go past the 4th defender having gone past the first 3.  Hopefully he will grow out of that, probably needs to go to a bigger club where he can mix it with better quality players.


I'd put forward Dean Parrett and Danny Rose out of the Spurs Academy.  Both 15 and got a lot of talent and Parrett is maturing rapidly.  Even though he would still only be 16,it wouldn't surprise me at all if Parrett went on loan next season for extra experience.


Rose is 17.




Maybe it was Rose that was maturing rapidly!! :lol:

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Guest RodrigoPalacio

If it's five years down the line, picking any of the biggest names now (other than maybe Rooney) seems pointless as they will be aging out of international competitions and probably won't be likely to leave their clubs early matches for the August Olympics.  Gerrard (who has had a shout on here) will be 32 in Aug 2012.  Craig Bellamy (again, had a shout or two) will be 33.  Rooney will be nearly 27, so at least feasible.  But the eldest who would be generally eligible (23 year olds) are currently only 17/18, so it's hard to tell.  Maybe Walcott? 

No chance that players like Rooney would play as it would clash with the start of the Premiership season.


I'm sure they'd have to shift it back, unless the olympics is going to be played on parks and random patched pf grass...

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The Scottish and Welsh associations are thought to be motivated not so much by Anglophobia as the fear that combined teams would give Fifa an excuse to cut the political power of the home nations. For historical reasons, they each have a vote on the eight-member International FA board, which determines changes to the Laws of the game. However, this year Sepp Blatter, the Fifa president, gave assurances to the FA that a combined Olympic team would not threaten this privileged status.


Gordon Smith, the chief executive of the Scottish FA, denied that this was the key reason for the Scottish stance. “There’s no great benefit for us,” he said. “It’s not really considered a [major] tournament. It’s in August and doesn’t take into account the requirements of the season at all. It’s asking players not to be involved with their clubs. It was a board decision not to participate. We’ve got our own identity at international level.”


Miserable git.  Blatter has told them that it won't affect their entry into future international competitions.  Would it kill them to just cooperate in the interests of a better Olympics?

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No mention of the Republic of Ireland,would they not be included if Northern Ireland are?


Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in?  Then come back and tell us what they said.  For no other reason than to test the swear filter  :nope:


As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players.  Should be good fun though.

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Do people not realise that this team is for 2012...5 years time.

Most of these players mentioned will be approaching their 30's and there are bound to be more players come thorough the ranks before then who will be in that team.

Probably people who are around my age


Yeah, we realised in the first four posts.

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No mention of the Republic of Ireland,would they not be included if Northern Ireland are?


Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in?  Then come back and tell us what they said.  For no other reason than to test the swear filter  :nope:


As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players.  Should be good fun though.

Almost American levels of ignorance there :lol:

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No mention of the Republic of Ireland,would they not be included if Northern Ireland are?


Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in?  Then come back and tell us what they said.  For no other reason than to test the swear filter  :nope:


As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players.  Should be good fun though.

Almost American levels of ignorance there :lol:


Whilst I agree with your sentiments, your manner of putting them across is simply stunning. 300 million people all generalised in one fell swoop... and they're the ignorant ones :)

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No mention of the Republic of Ireland,would they not be included if Northern Ireland are?


Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in?  Then come back and tell us what they said.  For no other reason than to test the swear filter  :nope:


As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players.  Should be good fun though.

Almost American levels of ignorance there :lol:


Whilst I agree with your sentiments, your manner of putting them across is simply stunning. 300 million people all generalised in one fell swoop... and they're the ignorant ones :)

Whoah there cowboy! I'd laugh if olliemort turned out to be a septic like.

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No mention of the Republic of Ireland,would they not be included if Northern Ireland are?


Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in?  Then come back and tell us what they said.  For no other reason than to test the swear filter  :nope:


As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players.  Should be good fun though.

I am actually Irish!Think it would be fcking shit to be honest!Probabaly cos there would be no Irish players in the team!

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No mention of the Republic of Ireland,would they not be included if Northern Ireland are?


Why don't you go and ask them if they want to join in?  Then come back and tell us what they said.  For no other reason than to test the swear filter  :nope:


As others have said it's almost impossible to say who would play because we don't wknow who'll break through and become good players.  Should be good fun though.

I am actually Irish!Think it would be fcking shit to be honest!Probabaly cos there would be no Irish players in the team!

Talk about reinforcing a stereotype :lol:

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