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Our defence - as bad as always


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A lot has been said about our defence over the years, and a lot was done about it this summer gone and some early belief (including myself) that we had the best defence weve had in years! But, the Prem table and statistics aren't showing that same story, and I dont think many believe it any more...

Defence is not the only problem of course, the midfield seems to be just as bad.


Goals conceded...


Derby..... 14/ 33

Reading.. 14 / 31

Sunderld 14/ 29

Middlesbr 14/ 26

Wigan......14/ 25

Tottenhm 13/ 24

Birminghm 14/ 22

Newcastle 13 / 21


Blackburn 12 / 11

West Ham 12/10


Chelsea... 14/ 9

Man Unitd 14 / 7

Liverpool...13 / 6


Most people were happy when we didnt sign Hyypia in the summer, and I'm not saying he would turn our defence round, but i'd still rate him above Cacapa and Roz on viewings so far. Faye is the only one to impress me, and thats only from a few games.


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Guest optimistic nit

honestly it wouldn't matter who we'd sign. we've signed the captains of the top 2 teams in france last season, one of spains star prospects, a czech international and bolton's best defender (one of the most defensively sound PL teams last season) and we're still shipping goals. on paper those should be, and i believe are, excellent signings.

signing hypia would have achieved fuck all.


i think the mess of the last 3 years is too much to overcome overnight, and we should expect some of the problems we're seeing. if you actually expect a team who have signed 5 new defenders to be solid from day one then you're in dream land. they are not helped as well by a midfield that is not working at the moment.

what concerns me is allardyce's attitude and selections so far.

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honestly it wouldn't matter who we'd sign. we've signed the captains of the top 2 teams in france last season, one of spains star prospects, a czech international and bolton's best defender (one of the most defensively sound PL teams last season) and we're still shipping goals. on paper those should be, and i believe are, excellent signings.

signing hypia would have achieved f*** all.


i think the mess of the last 3 years is too much to overcome overnight, and we should expect some of the problems we're seeing. if you actually expect a team who have signed 5 new defenders to be solid from day one then you're in dream land. they are not helped as well by a midfield that is not working at the moment.

what concerns me is allardyce's attitude and selections so far.

it's not overnight and it's getting worse.
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The defence is certainly not that bad. The way our midfield is constantly stifled and overrun is annoyingly painful is costing us. Like today. Every time we got the ball back we never kept for longer than a few seconds.

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we dont attack enough now to take the pressure off the defence


everyones scared of losing possession, so much so that they are too scared to take risks, so they try to take more time in passing and when they think about passing the inevitabley balls it up, also the palyers round them are too static, like shit scared rabbits.. this exposes us too easily , we give the ball away, and are on the back foot for most of the game.


It's not just the defence to blame, it's just the way they are told to play.

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The defence is so unorganised it's unbelievable. There's no leadership, everyone's just playing their own individual game.

not just the defence,it's the defending and how it is done throughout the 11


I was actually coming in to edit my post about this. We were attempting to defend deep, but it was so unorganised throughout the team players were running untracked in between the two static banks of four and picking up the ball and then being allowed to turn. There's no help from the midfield in picking up loose balls or anything like that. Liverpool every single time picked up the loose ball both in their and our edge of the box, as soon as it dropped there were was Sissoko and Lucas buzzing around picking it up while Butt, Smith and co were watching. V worrying, it always seems to be like that at home games as well, even the games when we're supposedly have played well like against Spurs and West ham, there was always that feeling that one time someone was going to fuck a pass up and then they'd be away. Today we were so disjoninted whenever a player picked up the ball they had to hoof it as noone was in their correct position, probably down to not knowing what they were supposed to do. As i said all very worrying and coupled with the other tactical decisions  it's all looking a bit depressing at the mo.  :knuppel2:

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