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got it on

shouldve been played at st.james to get a few thousand on a cold sunday afternoon


The PFA was formed in Manchester. So here it is.


Altho I'm not sure about the merits of hosting the game in December. The weather is absolutely minging.

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got it on

shouldve been played at st.james to get a few thousand on a cold sunday afternoon


The PFA was formed in Manchester. So here it is.


Altho I'm not sure about the merits of hosting the game in December. The weather is absolutely minging.


The PFA was formed 100 years ago today. So today it is.


Still I'm sure there would have been a better turnout if it had been held at a better time of year.

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The turnout for this charity game is nowt short of disgarceful. Tightwad Mancs!  :knuppel2:


Weather is fucking horrible, shite time of year for a charity game as Dr Spec pointed out, I was thinking about going but couldn't be arsed with it pissing down.

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The turnout for this charity game is nowt short of disgarceful. Tightwad Mancs!  :knuppel2:


Weather is fucking horrible, shite time of year for a charity game as Dr Spec pointed out, I was thinking about going but couldn't be arsed with it pissing down.


Uh huh. I wouldn't have gone if I could have gone in for nowt. Its fucking torrential.

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